2023 May 02 12:10 PM
Sometimes my pretty printer takes a long time, in transaction SE38.
I started to write this question when a pretty printer started on an include with 2484 lines, it took 5 minutes.
I even had occasions that it dumped due to time out.
I pretty printer my ABAP programs since 2001 (22 years).
Pretty printer, till now, has been an instant command, that's why I'm so used to use it.
Any clue how to resolve this problem?
2023 May 02 1:04 PM
2023 May 02 3:02 PM
2023 May 02 3:15 PM
Run a SAT (t-code) trace on Pretty printer command and drop here the highest % blocks and their %. Or maybe you will get answer dirrectly from the SAT once you see trace result.
2023 May 02 3:20 PM
I didn't find SAP notes related to this in SAP, maybe you should open an incident
2023 May 02 4:09 PM
Hello pemifer,
There are a few reasons why the pretty printer may be slow in transaction SE38:
1. Large files: If you are trying to pretty print a large program file, it may take some time for the pretty printer to format it.
2. Load on the system: If the system is overloaded with other processes, the pretty printer may not have enough resources to run efficiently, which can result in slow performance.
3. Customizations: If you have customized your pretty printer settings, it may not be optimized for performance, or it may be conflicting with other customizations.
To resolve this problem, you can try the following:
1. Break the program into smaller files: If you are dealing with a large program, consider breaking it into smaller files and pretty printing them individually.
2. Optimize system resources: Ensure that the system has enough resources available for the pretty printer to run efficiently. This could include freeing up memory, reducing other processes running on the system, and scheduling the pretty printer during off-peak hours.
3. Reset customizations: If you have customized your pretty printer settings, try resetting it to default settings to see if this resolves the performance issue. If you need to customize settings, ensure that they are optimized for performance.
Overall, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to slow pretty printer performance in transaction SE38. It's important to understand the cause of the issue and troubleshoot accordingly to identify the best solution for your specific situation.
Kind Regards,
2023 May 02 5:13 PM
Thank you for your help, I already search SAP notes.
I find it strange I can not find anyone complaining about the same issue.
I find it strange that I am the only one noticing this.
I don't have a good experience with SAP incidents, the few times I tried it was useless, just a waste of my time.
I hope this reaches someone that experienced the same and already solved it.
2023 May 02 5:30 PM
Tomas, thank you for the suggestion.
Since is a random behavior, I will try to use SE38 and SE80 through SAT.
I tried just now, but pretty printer is responding instantly now.
2023 May 02 5:50 PM
Just after I commented about the instant pretty printer, there was one that took about 6 minutes.
This is the SAT data.
2023 May 02 6:01 PM
I experienced bugs recently, where the pretty print was not ending (I was not patient enough to wait for minutes), because I did it after changing the source code without checking the syntax, in fact there were syntax errors, that was the reason. Try to activate first, then run the pretty print and activate again, for one month and see if it happens again.
Most of the time, when I see people with bad experience about SAP tickets, it's because the incident is not well documented. Now, the problem is to know what means "well documented" (e.g. provide exact reproduction steps, actual result, expected result and open your system).
2023 May 02 6:08 PM
Sandra, thank you for your suggestions.
The slow response is random!
Just a few minutes, I tried, it was instant, then tried it again, in an unchanged program, with no syntax errors, it took 8 minutes (just noticed 6).
I have the SAT data above.
It seems method "qualify_tokens" is taking to long, I can't understand why.
2023 May 03 7:36 AM
I see in the note 1918785, which is about another issue (core dump), that the file ABAP.pad in the AL11 "DIR_EXECUTABLE" directory could be too old or corrupted and needs to be fixed by copying one from a safe place. Check if you have other SAP systems with same ABAP version, or tell us your ABAP version.
2023 May 03 7:37 AM
For this kind of incident, no doubt that SAP support will be efficient (maybe it will take days but in the end it will be fixed).
PS: do a backup of current ABAP.pad file.
2023 May 03 7:44 AM
Also I see in the note 1361278 about ABAP.pad:
In my ABAP 7.52 system, ABAP.pad is a little bit more than 1 megabyte, ABAP.pad and DW_ABP.so timestamps differ by 9 minutes.
2023 May 03 7:49 AM
pemifer Thanks for SAT. It is definitely something with CL_ABAP_PARSER-QUALIFY_TOKENS. But unfortunately it is a standard method and even kernel module. So this is really for SAP Notes or SAP Support 😞
method QUALIFY_TOKENS by kernel module ab_km_qualify_tokens_x ab_km_qualify_tokens ignore.
2023 May 03 8:11 AM
2023 May 03 8:15 AM
I did once report an issue to SAP concerning pretty printer (now note 2604805). It took ages to get them to understand that I didn't want my program fixed, I wanted the PP fixed.
2023 May 03 12:16 PM
Sandra, thank you, it seems my system is just like yours.
1Mb in size, 10 and 9 minutes apart.
Is 92Mb normal for disp+work ?