2023 Jul 24 5:05 AM
I have a requirement when pressing enter all data in the fields not getting disappeared
when i press enter all the data i inputted has been disappeared
how to aviod this, iam trying to find a solution to the community not getting a solution
Iam using data dictionary reference for all paremeter
and this is my PAI
lw_rebate-vkorg = ztable-vkorg.
FROM tvkot
INTO tvkot-vtext
WHERE spras = sy-langu AND
vkorg = ztable-vkorg.
iam using this logic to get text description from sales organization but when pressing the enter value i have been inputted dissapeared
Any guide or hint I would be thankful...
2023 Jul 24 7:41 AM
Dynpro principle: the names of the screen fields must correspond to names of variables declared within the global scope inside your program. The transfer of values from program to dynpro is implicit. The transfer of values from dynpro to program happens during PAI according to "FIELD" in the flow logic, or all are transferred if there's MODULE without FIELD, or none if it's an exit function.
You may use the ABAP debugger to add a watchpoint on a variable, which pauses the execution when its value is changed (e.g. cleared, initialized, etc.)
Please share your ABAP code and dynpro code if you need more help.
2023 Jul 24 7:51 AM
thank you for your answers
this is my global data declaration based on dynpro screen using dictionary reference
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_gsrebate,
vkorg TYPE ztable-vkorg,
vtweg TYPE ztable-vtweg,
spary TYPE ztable-spart,
kunnr TYPE ztable-kunnr,
krech TYPE ztable-krech,
zttgt TYPE ztable-zttgt,
END OF ty_gsrebate.
DATA: g_srebate TYPE TABLE OF ty_gsrebate,
w_srebate TYPE ty_gsrebate.
and this is my dynpro code.
MODULE status_9100.
MODULE user_command_9100.
and this is my screen input
ztable-vkorg "sales org
ztable-vtweg "dist channel
ztable-spart "division
ztable-kunnr 'customer
ztable-krech "rebate type
ztable-zttgt "terget type
Thank you for any help
2023 Jul 24 8:26 AM
2023 Jul 24 8:27 AM
Oh, you didn't define ZTABLE as a global variable in your program. Did you read my first comment?
2023 Jul 24 8:38 AM
sorry dont mention that iam using ztable as a global variable
this is my code
2023 Jul 24 10:54 AM
OK. What about your debug? (watchpoint + what is code of MODULE user_command_9100 + what gives debug of user_command_9100)
2023 Jul 24 4:48 PM
I just realize I put clear ztable in my pbo that's why when I press enter value is disappeared
CLEAR: ZTBALE "in my pbo
so i deleted this code and put in pai (i need that code for another reason).
Thank You Sandra Rossi give me hint or guide
2023 Jul 24 5:47 PM
Yes, watchpoint is such a great tool to find in one second that you have a CLEAR ZTABLE somewhere. I hope you have understood correctly.