2023 Jul 01 6:14 PM
Hello, I'm a computer scientist student and I would like to learn how to program in ABAP for SAP.
Sadly, my computer is not that powerful (4GB of RAM..). I would like to know if it exist a kind of cloud solution to execute everything in a more powerful computer.
Thanks in advance.
2023 Jul 01 9:16 PM
Hey Mehdi,
Please make a quick search about BTP. You'll find some stuff that you just need Eclipse IDE and a trial account. Consider using ABAP trial account booster. Do not forget ADT to install in Eclipse. I have given the keywords of your google search. Hope this helps. Good luck.
2023 Jul 04 7:34 AM
Hi Mehdi El Moussaoui
welcome and great that you want to get in touch with ABAP!
1. Install ABAP Development Tools from here.
2. Get the free trial of SAP BTP.
To learn more, see here our help content:
To run a tutorial, please see here.
Please let us know if you have some more question.
I wish you much fun with ABAP! 🙂
Kind regards,