2006 Jun 20 6:42 AM
We need to create Good Receipt with reference to outbound delivery(intercompany). I'm trying to use BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE since I read that Call transaction on MIGO cannot be done.
But i cannot figure our out what movement type,GM code and movement indicator to use.
If someone has done this before please send me the code or any inputs on this would be helpful
need to do this ASAP so please reply ASAP.
2006 Jun 20 7:19 AM
Hi ,
u have to ask ur Functional Consultant which Movement Type u have to use. He can explain better than US.For more details Please check the Documentation of that BAPI.
2006 Jun 20 7:24 AM
He suggested Movement type 101, since that is what he used for MIGO.
But what about GM Code,Movement indicator.What values should they have. what other fields do I need to populate.
2006 Jun 20 7:27 AM
thats y i am saying see the documentation.
<b>There are the following types of transactions/events:
1. GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order
2. GM_Code 02: Goods receipt for production order
3. GM_Code 03: Goods issue
4. GM_Code 04: Transfer posting
5. GM_Code 05: Other goods receipts
6. GM_Code 06: Reversal of goods movements
7. GM_Code 07: Subsequent adjustment to a subcontract order
Entering the movement indicator
Depending on the transaction, you must enter the following in the movement indicator:
GM_Code 01 (Goods receipt for purchase order): B
GM_Code 02 (Goods receipt for production order): F
For all other transactions, you leave the field blank.
For 1: GM_Code 01: Goods receipt for purchase order
Purchase order known
The following fields have to be filled:
Purchase order</b>
2006 Jun 20 7:34 AM
2006 Jun 20 7:41 AM
what error u are getting ? what are the values u are passing ?
2007 Feb 13 4:10 PM
I am trying to accommodate the exact same scenario you are trying to achieve but with the IDOC WMMBXY. Did you have any eventual success in your implementation?