2011 Sep 06 9:48 AM
I try to post GR for an Inbound Delivey with BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE and it is not working.
I know delivery number and PO number and give both to the bapi.
I am not sure how to set the movement indicator in the item.
When I set it to B.
I do get a shortdump from MB_POST_GOODS_MOVEMENT numer 143, stating that this type of movement is not allowed with this transaction
when setting to L I do get an error stating
"Update control of movement type is incorrect (entry 101 X X _ L)" from message class M7.
Below is the coding for it.
Thank you very much for your help
* Füllen der Kopfdaten
ls_gm_header-pstng_date = sy-datum.
ls_gm_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
ls_gm_header-ref_doc_no = delivery_header-lifex.
ls_gm_header-bill_of_lading = delivery_header-bolnr.
ls_gm_header-gr_gi_slip_no = delivery_header-xabln.
ls_gm_header-pr_uname = sy-uname.
ls_gm_header-ref_doc_no_long = delivery_header-lifex.
ls_gm_header-bill_of_lading_long = delivery_header-bolnr.
lv_gm_code = '01'.
* Füllen der Positionsdaten
LOOP AT selected_delivery_items INTO ls_delivery_item.
ls_gm_items-material = ls_delivery_item-matnr.
ls_gm_items-plant = ls_delivery_item-werks. " 0001
ls_gm_items-stge_loc = ls_delivery_item-lgort.
ls_gm_items-move_type ='101'. "101
ls_gm_items-entry_qnt = ls_delivery_item-lfimg. " 10,000
ls_gm_items-entry_uom = ls_delivery_item-vrkme.
ls_gm_items-po_number = ls_delivery_item-vgbel. "55001582
ls_gm_items-po_item = ls_delivery_item-vgpos. "00010
ls_gm_items-mvt_ind = 'B'.
ls_gm_items-expirydate = sy-datum + 30 .
ls_gm_items-deliv_numb = ls_delivery_item-vbeln.
ls_gm_items-deliv_item = ls_delivery_item-posnr.
APPEND ls_gm_items TO lt_gm_items.
goodsmvt_header = ls_gm_header
goodsmvt_code = lv_gm_code
* testrun = 'X'
goodsmvt_headret = ls_gm_header_ret
materialdocument = lv_mat_docno
matdocumentyear = lv_mat_year
goodsmvt_item = lt_gm_items
goodsmvt_serialnumber = lt_gm_serial_numbers
return = lt_return
if lt_return is INITIAL.
2011 Sep 06 9:54 AM
Hi Micheal,
I would recommend you to discuss this with your Functional Consultant. Create a Delivery manually and then replicate the data for the BAPI. You can then compare the manual data entered and map it to the BAPI fields.
2011 Sep 06 9:54 AM
Hi Micheal,
I would recommend you to discuss this with your Functional Consultant. Create a Delivery manually and then replicate the data for the BAPI. You can then compare the manual data entered and map it to the BAPI fields.
2011 Sep 06 9:59 AM
Hello Pranav,
the input for the business data is correct.
When performing the goods receipt with Migo it works.
I think the B in the movement indicator is correct, but there might be something wrong with the other data.
Best regards
2011 Sep 06 10:04 AM
2011 Sep 06 10:08 AM
I am a bit confused.
I want to post goods receipt for that delivery. Therefore I think I should pass the delivery information.
Best regards
2011 Sep 06 10:20 AM
Try to post a document online by MIGO and then check wihch fields have been filled in MKPF and MSEG by SE11 iin order to see if some data is missing
2011 Sep 06 10:44 AM
Well , Since delivery is against the PO , passing just only PO number will be sufficient . Delivery will automatically be determied .
In MIGO , if you do GR either using delivery or PO it works ...
2011 Sep 06 10:18 AM
It might be possible with MIGO. Check with other transaction like MB01 etc
Check in table T158G.