2022 Jan 18 3:38 PM
Hi Sap masters,
I am facing unique problem, I need to show the correct changed values in the change log for Input IDOC – Basic type - ORDERS05 & message type ORDRSP.
I am using the function module EINKBELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT' to update the change log, where I am passing XEKES & YEKES.
However when saved the values the XEKES saves in data base table EKES according the date wise, when cheeked at the IDOC through we19,it won’t appear as per the date wise.
Viewing or changing idoc and sequence of saving the data in EKES are different .
As a result change log won’t appear correct due to improper sequence.
Please let me know if have any alternate way I solve this issue, thanks in advance.
Purchase order item quantity splits into multiple delivery schedules i.e. quantity 100 splits into
4 lines
1st line 20 quantity on 02/20/2022
2nd line 10 quantity on 03/02/2022
3rd line 51 quantity on 04/04/2022
4th line 19 quantity on 01/21/2022
Again second time he changes the schedule to - change scenario
4 lines
1st line 19 quantity on 02/21/2022
2nd line 11 quantity on 03/02/2022
3rd line 51 quantity on 04/04/2022
4th line 19 quantity on 01/21/2022
Again third time he changes the schedule to - Insert scenario & change
5 lines
1st line 19 quantity on 02/21/2022
2nd line 8 quantity on 01/18/2022
2a 3 quantity on 01/16/2022
3rd line 51 quantity on 04/04/2022
4th line 19 quantity on 01/21/2022
Again fourth time, he changes the schedule to - Delete & change scenario
4 lines
1st line 19 quantity on 02/21/2022
2nd line 8 quantity on 05/15/2022
2a – got deleted
3rd line 51 quantity on 04/04/2022
4th line 30 quantity on 02/21/2022
After process through the IDOC , the change log won't appear as per the changes, it changes the sequence in change log .
Request you to know if you have any alternate way to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 18 5:35 PM
I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. What is your program? What is calling EINKBELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT? Why are you talking of the test transaction WE19? What are the exact steps to reproduce your issue? What do you get exactly and what do you expect exactly? Thanks.
2022 Jan 18 10:38 PM
Hi Rossi,
Thanks for your message,
we are processing the idoc for delivery quantity changes and testing through WE19 using IDOC Message ORDRSP Basic type :ORDERS05.
When processing the idoc, i can see the delivery schedule changes correctly, however change log won't show correctly in the transaction ME23N for the idoc changes processed on delivery schedule changes , off course User will not process using IDOC. But for test purpose we are using WE19 .
When processing through IDOC , I am using function module EINKBELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT' to update the change log, where I am passing XEKES & YEKES.
Because of sequence number in EKES, when performing the changes in quantity /delivery dates, change log is not appearing correctly, as a results of incorrect change log , Business having lot of impacts.
Hence looking for alternate solution to resolve this change log issue when process through IDOC.
Attachment show more details. Please have a look and let me know your feedback, thanks in advance.
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 19 6:55 AM
Please see following note: 1962553 - Why no change log written for inbound idoc ORDRSP?.
You should develop custom IDoc inbound using function module ME_PO_CONFIRM.
2022 Jan 20 1:57 AM
Hi Andy,
I tired all way using the function module ME_PO_CONFIRM.
Unfortunately during commit it keeps throwing an error message as shown in the attachment.
Please have a look and let me know your feedback.
Also referred some SAP notes to resolve EKES error , but nothing worked out. po-changlog-issue-ekes.png
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 20 7:35 AM
First you should write a comment below my answer. So, I can get a notification that you have commented on my answer.
For your error, please implement SAP note 2736411 - ME_PO_CONFIRM : Confirmation process result in update termination.
If you can't implement that SAP note then please inform your SAP version.
2022 Jan 22 1:47 PM
Hi Pataselano,
Thanks for your mail, Still facing EKES error, even after implementing the above said note, Request you to have a look and let me know your feedback, thanks. po-changlog-issue-ekes2.png
Always it keep throwing an error message like this.
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 22 2:19 PM
In continuation to last mail my SAP version is SAP APPL is 618.
I have already verified that my SAP version is SAP APPL 618 - Hence note 1668559 - ORDRSP: Error during update Table EKES - is already implemented ,Still getting the same error.
Request you to know if u have any suggestions,
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 24 1:03 AM
2022 Jan 25 12:07 AM
It's just roll back and error when updating the table EKES.
function module Me_po_confirm was success and when commit to database , i got this error.
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 25 1:05 AM
Dear Hari,
Please check following SAP note: 3018967 - ME_PO_CONFIRM does not update confirmation and 2736411 - ME_PO_CONFIRM : Confirmation process result in update termination.
2022 Jan 28 3:50 PM
Hi Pataselano,
After implemented all the given notes and debug, now i am able to see change log only for changes, but not for insert or deleted lines.
Looks only the changes will be displayed not newly added lines or deleted lines.
Not sure if this might be SAP limitation, request you to throw some light, thanks in advance.
Hari Yoga
2022 Jan 31 2:30 AM
Hi Hari,
Please see SAP note 2572696 - Not able to delete a confirmation using ME_PO_CONFIRM.
If you have entered all the confirmations in the PO base on those SAP note and you still can't find the changes then please open incident to SAP about this problem and close this Q&A.