2007 Jul 16 5:20 PM
my requirement is
emp number from PA00001 i have to take the value of STELL feild
next from HRP1001 table i have toenter data by giving SCLASS -Q
OTYPE - C and STELL number
i have to collect sobid and sclass
next from HRP1000 table i have to enter OTYPE -q and SOBID and get the ut put feild as STEXT
2007 Jul 16 5:23 PM
see the sample code and do accordingly
report zporgr0040
line-size 108
line-count 60(1)
no standard page heading
message-id zndc.
Database Tables
tables: hrp1001, " HR Master Record (Orgn. Assignment)
pa0002, " Personal Data
t528t, " Position Texts
t527x, " Org Unit Text
t528b, " Positions
csks, " Cost Center
cskt. " Cost Center Texts
Declaration of Internal Tables
Internal Table for Orgn Object Data HRP1000
data: begin of obj_tab occurs 0,
otype like hrp1000-otype, " Object Type
objid like hrp1000-objid, " Object ID
plvar like hrp1000-plvar, " Plan Version
istat like hrp1000-istat, " Planning Status
begda like hrp1000-begda, " Begin date
endda like hrp1000-endda, " End date
end of obj_tab.
Internal Table for Active Employees data PA0000
data: begin of stat_tab occurs 0,
pernr like pa0000-pernr, " Object Type
begda like pa0000-begda, " Begin date
endda like pa0000-endda, " End date
stat2 like pa0000-stat2, " Employment Status
end of stat_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Orgn Assignment Data PA0001
data: begin of act_tab occurs 0,
pernr like pa0001-pernr, " Object Type
begda like pa0001-begda, " Begin date
endda like pa0001-endda, " End date
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
orgeh like pa0001-orgeh, " Org Unit
plans like pa0001-plans, " Position
natio like pa0002-natio, " Nationality
end of act_tab.
Internal Table for Orgn Data HRP1001
data: begin of org_tab occurs 0,
otype like hrp1001-otype, " Object Type
objid like hrp1001-objid, " Object ID
plvar like hrp1001-plvar, " Plan Version
istat like hrp1001-istat, " Planning Status
begda like hrp1001-begda, " Begin date
endda like hrp1001-endda, " End date
subty like hrp1001-subty, " Sub Type
sclas like hrp1001-sclas, " Type of Related Object
sobid like hrp1001-sobid, " Id of Related Object
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
plstx like t528t-plstx, " Position Text
orgtx like t527x-orgtx, " Org Unit Text
end of org_tab.
Internal Table for Position Calculations
data: begin of org1_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
objid like hrp1001-objid, " Object ID
end of org1_tab.
Internal Table for Position Calculations
data: begin of org2_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
count type i, " No of Positions
end of org2_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations
data: begin of act1_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
natio like pa0002-natio, " Nationality
plans like pa0001-plans, " Position
end of act1_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(UAE)
data: begin of act2_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
natio like pa0002-natio, " Nationality
end of act2_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(Others)
data: begin of act3_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
natio like pa0002-natio, " Nationality
end of act3_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(UAE)
data: begin of act4_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
count1 type i, " No of Positions(UAE)
end of act4_tab.
Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(OTHERS)
data: begin of act5_tab occurs 0,
kostl like pa0001-kostl, " Cost Center
count2 type i, " No of Positions(Others)
end of act5_tab.
Internal Table for Vaccancies Data
data: begin of vac_tab occurs 0,
plvar like hrp1007-plvar, " Plan Version
otype like hrp1007-otype, " Object Type
objid like hrp1007-objid, " Object ID
istat like hrp1007-istat, " Planning Status
begda like hrp1007-begda, " Begin date
endda like hrp1007-endda, " End date
vacan like hrp1007-vacan, " Vacancy Indicator
status like hrp1007-status, " Status of Vacancy
end of vac_tab.
Internal Table to store the Report Output data
data : begin of rep_tab occurs 0 ,
kostl(10) type n, " Cost Cente
plans like pa0001-plans, " Position
vacan like hrp1007-vacan, " Vacancy Indicator
status like hrp1007-status, " Status of Vacancy
plstx like t528t-plstx, " Position Text
orgtx like t527x-orgtx, " Org Unit Text
end of rep_tab.
Internal Table to store the Report Output data
data : begin of rep1_tab occurs 0 ,
kostl(10) type n, " Cost Cente
cnt type i, " No of Vacancies
end of rep1_tab.
Internal Table to store the Report Output data
data : begin of rep2_tab occurs 0 ,
kostl(10) type n, " Cost Cente
app_no type i, " Approved
nat_no type i, " National
exp_no type i, " Expatriate
tot_no type i, " Total
vac_no type i, " Vacancies
end of rep2_tab.
Declaration of Variables
data: v_sobid like hrp1001-sobid, " Object Id
v_sobid1 like hrp1001-sobid, " Object Id
v_sobid2 like hrp1001-sobid, " Object Id
v_sclas like hrp1001-sclas, " Related Obj Type
v_subty like hrp1001-subty, " Related Object Id
v_otype like hrp1007-otype, " Object Type
v_str(9) type c, " Text
v_str1(10) type c, " Text
v_cnt like sy-tabix. " Table Index
Declaration of Constants
constants : c_x type c value 'X', " Flag
c_stat1 like pa0000-stat2 value '3', " Emp Status
c_plan like hrp1001-plvar value '01', " Plan Version
c_name like hrp1000-uname value 'SAP', " Uname
c_uae like pa0002-natio value 'AE', " Country
c_type like hrp1007-otype value 'O', " Object Type
c_otype like hrp1007-otype value 'S', " Object Type
c_stat like hrp1007-status value '0', " Status
c_pstat like hrp1007-istat value '1', " Plang Status
c_sclas like hrp1001-sclas value 'K', " Rel. Obj Type
c_subty like hrp1001-subty value 'A002', " Related ObjId
c_subty2 like hrp1001-subty value 'A003', " Related ObjId
c_sclas1 like hrp1001-sclas value 'O', " Rel.Obj Type
c_subty1 like hrp1001-subty value 'A011', " Rel.Object Id
c_kokrs like coej-kokrs value '1000'. " Controlling Area
Selection Screen
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameters :
p_date like pa0001-begda obligatory default sy-datum. " Date
select-options :
s_kostl for csks-kostl, " Cost Center
s_plans for t528b-plans. " Position ID
selection-screen end of block b1.
At selection-screen
at selection-screen.
Validate the Selection Screen fields
perform validate_screen.
Get the Orgn data from database Table HRP1001
perform get_org_data.
Get the Actual Manpower from PA0001
perform get_act_data.
Get the Vaccancies data from database Table HRP1007
perform get_vac_data.
Append the data into final Internal Table
perform append_data.
Write the Report and Column Headings
perform top_of_page.
write /1(108) sy-uline.
Display the Output Report.
perform display_report.
*& Form validate_screen
Validation of selection Screen fields
form validate_screen.
Validation of Position ID
clear t528b.
if not s_plans[] is initial.
select single plans
into t528b-plans
from t528b
where plans in s_plans.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e999 with 'Invalid Position ID'(009).
Validation of Cost Center
clear csks.
if not s_kostl[] is initial.
select single kostl
into csks-kostl
from csks
where kostl in s_kostl.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e999 with 'Invalid Cost Center'(008).
endform. "validate_screen
*& Form get_org_data
Get the Orgn Data from Database Table HRP1001
form get_org_data.
v_str = 'Developee'(002).
v_str1 = 'Deployment'(003).
Select All the Positions from HRP1000
select otype " Object Type
objid " Object ID
plvar " Plan Version
istat " Planning Status
begda " Begin date
endda " End date
into table obj_tab
from hrp1000
where otype = c_otype and
plvar = c_plan and
istat = c_pstat and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date and
objid in s_plans and
uname ne c_name.
sort obj_tab by otype objid.
Get the Orgn and Cost Center for all the above Positions
if not obj_tab[] is initial.
select otype " Object Type
objid " Object ID
plvar " Plan Version
istat " Planning Status
begda " Begin date
endda " End date
subty " Sub Type
sclas " Type of Related Object
sobid " Id of Related Object
into table org_tab
from hrp1001
for all entries in obj_tab
where otype = c_otype and
plvar = c_plan and
istat = c_pstat and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date and
sclas eq c_sclas1 and
subty eq c_subty2 and
objid eq obj_tab-objid.
sort org_tab by otype objid.
Get the Cost Center
loop at org_tab.
v_otype = c_otype. " S
v_sclas = c_sclas. " K
v_subty = c_subty1. " A011
v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc = 0.
org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
v_otype = c_otype. " S
v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
v_subty = c_subty2. " A003
v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc = 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas. " K
v_subty = c_subty1. " A011
v_sobid1 = v_sobid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc <> 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
v_subty = c_subty. " A002
v_sobid = v_sobid1.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc = 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas. " K
v_subty = c_subty1. " A011
v_sobid2 = v_sobid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc <> 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
v_subty = c_subty. " A002
v_sobid = v_sobid2.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
v_otype = c_otype. " S
v_sclas = c_otype. " S
v_subty = c_subty. " A002
v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc = 0.
v_otype = c_otype. " S
v_sclas = c_sclas. " K
v_subty = c_subty1. " A011
v_sobid1 = v_sobid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc <> 0.
v_otype = c_otype. " S
v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
v_subty = c_subty2. " A003
v_sobid = v_sobid1.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc = 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas. " K
v_subty = c_subty1. " A011
v_sobid2 = v_sobid.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
if sy-subrc <> 0.
v_otype = c_type. " O
v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
v_subty = c_subty. " A002
v_sobid = v_sobid2.
perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
Get the Position Text
clear t528t.
select single plstx from t528t into t528t-plstx
where sprsl = sy-langu and
otype = c_otype and
plans = org_tab-objid.
org_tab-plstx = t528t-plstx.
Get the Org Unit Text
clear t527x.
select single orgtx from t527x into t527x-orgtx
where sprsl = sy-langu and
orgeh = org_tab-sobid+0(8).
org_tab-orgtx = t527x-orgtx.
modify org_tab index sy-tabix.
clear v_sobid.
sort org_tab by otype objid.
Calculate the Approved No of Positions
loop at org_tab.
if org_tab-kostl in s_kostl.
move-corresponding org_tab to org1_tab.
append org1_tab.
clear org1_tab.
sort org1_tab by kostl objid.
clear v_cnt.
loop at org1_tab.
at end of kostl.
sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
org2_tab-kostl = org1_tab-kostl.
org2_tab-count = sy-tabix.
v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
append org2_tab.
sort org2_tab by kostl.
endform. "get_org_data
*& Form get_act_data
Get the Actual Manpower Data from Database Table PA0001
form get_act_data.
clear : stat_tab, act_tab.
refresh: stat_tab, act_tab.
Get all the Active Employees
select pernr " Object Type
begda " Begin date
endda " End date
stat2 " Emp Status
into table stat_tab
from pa0000
where stat2 eq c_stat1 and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date.
sort act_tab by pernr.
if not stat_tab[] is initial.
select pernr " Object Type
begda " Begin date
endda " End date
kostl " Cost Center
orgeh " Org Unit
plans " Position
into table act_tab
from pa0001
for all entries in stat_tab
where pernr eq stat_tab-pernr and
kostl in s_kostl and
plans in s_plans and
persg eq '1' and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date.
sort act_tab by pernr.
loop at act_tab.
move-corresponding act_tab to act1_tab.
clear pa0002-natio.
select single natio into pa0002-natio from pa0002
where pernr = act_tab-pernr.
if sy-subrc = 0.
act1_tab-natio = pa0002-natio.
append act1_tab.
clear act1_tab.
sort act1_tab by kostl natio.
Calculate the Local and Expatriate Manpower
loop at act1_tab.
if act1_tab-natio = c_uae.
act2_tab-kostl = act1_tab-kostl.
act2_tab-natio = act1_tab-natio.
act3_tab-kostl = act1_tab-kostl.
act3_tab-natio = act1_tab-natio.
append: act2_tab, act3_tab.
clear : act2_tab,act3_tab.
sort act2_tab by kostl.
sort act3_tab by kostl.
Actual UAE Manpower
clear v_cnt.
loop at act2_tab.
at end of kostl.
sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
act4_tab-kostl = act2_tab-kostl.
act4_tab-count1 = sy-tabix.
v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
append act4_tab.
sort act4_tab by kostl.
Other Countries
clear v_cnt.
loop at act3_tab.
at end of kostl.
sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
act5_tab-kostl = act3_tab-kostl.
act5_tab-count2 = sy-tabix.
v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
append act5_tab.
sort act5_tab by kostl.
endform. "get_act_data
*& Form get_org
Get the Cost Center from Parent Org Id
form get_org using p_v_otype p_v_sclas p_v_subty p_v_sobid.
clear hrp1001.
select single * from hrp1001
where otype = p_v_otype and
plvar = c_plan and
istat = c_pstat and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date and
sclas eq p_v_sclas and
subty eq p_v_subty and
objid eq p_v_sobid.
v_sobid = hrp1001-sobid+0(8).
endform. " get_org
*& Form get_vac_data
Get the Vaccancies Data from Database Table HRP1007
form get_vac_data.
if not org_tab[] is initial.
select plvar " Plan Version
otype " Object Type
objid " Object ID
istat " Planning Status
begda " Begin date
endda " End date
vacan " Vacancy Indicator
status " Status of Vacancy
into table vac_tab
from hrp1007
for all entries in org_tab
where plvar = c_plan and
otype = c_otype and
istat eq c_pstat and
objid = org_tab-objid and
begda le p_date and
endda ge p_date and
vacan eq c_x and
status eq c_stat.
sort vac_tab by plvar otype objid.
Get the HR data into the rep_tab Internal Table
loop at vac_tab.
rep_tab-plans = vac_tab-objid.
rep_tab-vacan = vac_tab-vacan.
rep_tab-status = vac_tab-status.
read table org_tab with key objid = vac_tab-objid.
if sy-subrc = 0.
rep_tab-kostl = org_tab-kostl.
rep_tab-plstx = org_tab-plstx.
rep_tab-orgtx = org_tab-orgtx.
append rep_tab.
clear rep_tab.
loop at rep_tab.
if not rep_tab-kostl in s_kostl.
delete rep_tab index sy-tabix.
sort rep_tab by kostl plans.
delete rep_tab where plstx cs v_str.
delete rep_tab where orgtx cs v_str1.
Calculate the Count of Vacancies in each Division
clear v_cnt.
loop at rep_tab.
at end of kostl.
sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
rep1_tab-kostl = rep_tab-kostl.
rep1_tab-cnt = sy-tabix.
v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
append rep1_tab.
sort rep1_tab by kostl.
endform. "get_vac_data
*& Form append_data
Append the data into final Internal Table
form append_data.
loop at org2_tab.
rep2_tab-kostl = org2_tab-kostl.
rep2_tab-app_no = org2_tab-count.
read table act4_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
rep2_tab-nat_no = act4_tab-count1.
read table act5_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
rep2_tab-exp_no = act5_tab-count2.
read table rep1_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
rep2_tab-vac_no = rep1_tab-cnt.
rep2_tab-tot_no = rep2_tab-nat_no + rep2_tab-exp_no.
append rep2_tab.
clear rep2_tab.
sort rep2_tab by kostl.
endform. "append_data
*& Form top_of_page
Write the Report and Column Headings
form top_of_page.
format color col_heading on.
write: /1(108) 'NATIONAL DRILLING COMPANY'(010) centered,
/1(108) 'Summary of Manning Level Report'(011) centered.
format color off.
write: /2 'Key Date :'(013), p_date,
75 'Report Run Date:'(041), sy-datum.
if not s_kostl[] is initial.
if s_kostl-high is initial.
write: /2 'Cost Center :'(023), s_kostl-low,
75 'Time :'(042), sy-uzeit.
write: /2 'Cost Center From:'(024), s_kostl-low+7(3),
'To'(022), s_kostl-high,
75 'Time :'(042), sy-uzeit.
write: /75 'Time :'(042), sy-uzeit.
if not s_plans[] is initial.
if s_plans-high is initial.
write: /2 'Position Id :'(019), s_plans-low,
75 'User :'(043), sy-uname.
write: /2 'Position Id From:'(021), s_plans-low,
'To'(022), s_plans-high,
75 'User :'(043), sy-uname.
write: /75 'User :'(043), sy-uname.
write: /75 'Page No :'(044), sy-pagno.
write /1(108) sy-uline.
format color col_heading.
write:/1 sy-vline,
12 sy-vline, 53 sy-vline,
64 sy-vline, 65(32) 'Actual'(018) centered,
97 sy-vline,108 sy-vline.
write:/1 sy-vline, 2(10) 'CostCenter'(014),
12 sy-vline, 13(40) 'Description'(026) centered,
53 sy-vline, 54(10) 'Approved'(025) centered,
64 sy-vline, 65(32) sy-uline,
97 sy-vline, 98(10) 'Vacancies'(017),
108 sy-vline.
write:/1 sy-vline,
12 sy-vline, 53 sy-vline,
64 sy-vline, 65(10) 'National'(015) centered,
75 sy-vline, 76(10) 'Expatriate'(020) centered,
86 sy-vline, 87(10) 'Total'(016) centered,
97 sy-vline,108 sy-vline.
format color off.
write /1(108) sy-uline.
endform. "top_of_page
*& Form Display_report
Write the Report Output
form display_report.
if rep2_tab[] is initial.
message i999 with
'No Data found for the entered Selection'(035).
loop at rep2_tab.
Authorization Check for the Orgn and Cost Centers
perform auth_check_org.
if sy-subrc = 0.
clear cskt.
select single ltext into cskt-ltext from cskt
where spras = sy-langu and
kokrs = c_kokrs and
kostl = rep2_tab-kostl.
format color col_normal.
write: /1 sy-vline, 2(10) rep2_tab-kostl+7(3),
12 sy-vline, 13(40) cskt-ltext,
53 sy-vline, 54(10) rep2_tab-app_no,
64 sy-vline, 65(10) rep2_tab-nat_no,
75 sy-vline, 76(10) rep2_tab-exp_no,
86 sy-vline, 87(10) rep2_tab-tot_no,
97 sy-vline, 98(10) rep2_tab-vac_no,
108 sy-vline.
format color off.
at last.
format color 3.
write /1(108) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 2(10) 'Total'(027),
12 sy-vline,
53 sy-vline, 54(10) rep2_tab-app_no,
64 sy-vline, 65(10) rep2_tab-nat_no,
75 sy-vline, 76(10) rep2_tab-exp_no,
86 sy-vline, 87(10) rep2_tab-tot_no,
97 sy-vline, 98(10) rep2_tab-vac_no,
108 sy-vline.
format color off.
write /1(108) sy-uline.
endform. " Display_report
*& Form auth_check_org
Authorization Check for the Orgn and Cost Center
form auth_check_org.
authority-check object 'ZNDCHROM'
id 'PLVAR' dummy
id 'OTYPE' dummy
id 'KOSTL' field rep2_tab-kostl.
endform. "auth_check_org
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>