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Placement of Punctuation for Arabic Text

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Hi Everyone,

I am currently encountering an issue with the placement of punctuation of Arabic texts in SE63 and SO10 Texts in the system.

For example my so10 text was configured in this format: (the comma was placed in the left. see also attached)
،تفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام

Though the RTL format and Arabic font/text is working fine, what's weird is the placement of punctuations when generating the PDF. In the PDF, the comma is now placed on the right. SPAD setting is already correct as I requested BASIS team to setup the arabic printer. The text was maintained in AR language and the pdf was called in AR language as well.

I tried logging-in in AR language but this is also not working

Hope to hear your inputs regarding this matter. thank


Active Contributor

Better embed the image in your question

How do you go from the Standard Text to the PDF? Is it embedded in SAPscript form or Smart Form, and then converted to PDF? How exactly? Or is it embedded directly in SFP Adobe Form?)

0 Kudos

Hello, the issue happens not just in SO10 texts but in standard translation as well (SFP->Go To->translation for Adobe forms)

it seems that copy-pasting an arabic text/phrase is not working properly. the commas and dots are incorrectly placed in the pdf while the placement is correct in the text editor (both in SO10 and SFP Translation. Same to screenshot above).

Aside from the Arabic printer in SPAD and installing the arabic language in SAP which were configured by the basis team, are there other configurations that i need to check?

Another thing to note is that the behavior of the placement of punctuations is different in DEV and Q system. When i placed the comma in the leftmost part of the line in dev, this is working fine in the PDF form. however, what's happening in the quality system is the exact opposite. I had to place the comma in the rightmost part in order for it to work. My translations were transported successfully to quality, so no issue with my TR.

below are the steps that I also tried while searching this forum: All are not working as expected

- logging in AR language in SAP

- applied the translation while in SAP AR language

- changed the sap setting to Arabic Right to Left via Alt+F12

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I don't know what it can be. Just ideas:

I read the note 2114458, it could be possibly an error of ALD software version installed on your laptop. Try with latest version, go to layout, and reactivate the form. (I doubt that it could be the error based on your description)

Or possibly ADS version?

As you are talking about copy/paste, maybe it's due to the RTL invisible characters (U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK, U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, etc.) To be checked directly by looking at the hexadecimal value of the text.

Suggesting to look at SAP notes around RTL, SAP GUI, standard text, and contact SAP support.