2023 Aug 08 11:22 AM
Hi experts,
I'm modifying standard of transaction VA01 so manual price conditions are added automatically when clicking a self-created button (not when save). I tried to do this adding code unsuccessfully. Now I'm trying to create a Batch-Input inside transaction VA01 but when BI executes, it starts transaction from beginning. I actually want BI to continue at the point where user is at that moment. Is this possible? I made a little test to see if it goes to back but it always start the transaction. Thanks in advance
bd sy-repid sy-dynnr.
2023 Aug 08 12:40 PM
No, it's not possible.
But that would be possible with SAP GUI Scripting, if you have this feature activated in both your SAP system (RZ11 profile parameter) and user's SAP GUI (at installation time).
You may possible start the script from the ABAP program.
2023 Aug 08 12:56 PM
Hi Sandra. Thanks a lot for your answer. I've searched about the SAP GUI Scripting API in Internet and there're some notes to install it. Does this API usually have a cost or it's enough just downloading and installing notes? thanks in advance