2007 Aug 31 10:28 AM
hi experts,
is der any tc to see pending purchase requisition.........
2007 Aug 31 10:33 AM
2007 Aug 31 10:50 AM
hi ravi,
<b>Purchase requisition</b>: The third-party sales order creates a purchase requisition at the time of sales order creation.
How to automate it: Set up a contract for the material with an automatic update of info records, which creates a vendor info record in background. In addition, the source lists are created to link material with the vendor. Where there could be multiple vendors, the preferred vendor is set up within the Source list. The purchase requisitions are thus created with procurement source (i.e., vendor assignment), automatically in the background at the time of creation of a third-party sales order.
Purchase order: The purchase requisition is automatically converted into a PO for the vendor. The PO refers to the purchasing requisitions created at sales order creation and adopts important data and features automatically.
How to automate it: The purchase requisitions with vendor assignments are converted into POs by a batch job using transaction <b>ME59</b> ABAP program with requisite parameters. This ensures automatic creation of POs. The materials and vendors are set up with Automatic PO flags.
PR basic list, it takes you to std t-code <b>me53</b> (display of purchase requisition).
ME21 - create purchase order
ME22 - change purchase order
ME51N - Create a Purchase Requisition
ME51N - Copy a Purchase Requisition
ME52N - Change a Purchase Requisition
ME52N - Delete a Purchase Requisition
ME54 - Individual Release of a Purchase Requisition
ME55 - Collective Release of a Purchase Requisition
MIGO - Receive Goods/Services
SAP Standard transaction : ME5A - Closed Requisitions