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PDF previewer truncate the text in SMARTFORM for Hebrew Language

0 Kudos

Dear folks,

I need a help to resolve the below issue.

when I try to print Hebrew language smart form using PDF previewer ( tcode - PDF!), it showing the text in truncate mode but in print previewer screen text is showing fine. Any idea !!! I debugged but couldn't find anything.

I attached the screenshot.

Your input is appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Hello All,

Issue Resolved.

Smart Form takes into account the LOCL Printer in Print Preview Mode, which is then taken into account during the PDF preview and does not support the Hebrew language. To display the Hebrew language smart form, we need to maintain the special settings in the printer to accept the Hebrew language.


Active Contributor


check program RSTXPDF3. There are lot of customizing options related to PDF Conversion in SAP.
I had similar issue and very often "USE_CASCADING" option is turned off and by turning it on you maybe solve your issue. But please read respective Note next to each option before you try it.

Some more info in Note:
2489982 - Font options for PDF preview on SAP GUI for HTML

-- Tomas --


Hi Tomas,

Thanks for the details but we're using ECC 6.0. So, PDF previewer was triggering the program RSTXCPDF and also i noted this issue happening only for one smart form when I check for another smart form with same language and settings. Its working absolutely fine.

0 Kudos

s.sudhirkumar Oh, in that case I would compare both Smartforms.
Check paragraph formats, SF Styles, attributes etc... maybe you will find the difference which causes it.

EDIT: Also you can create one simple local SF and experiment with settings combined from these two SF you have.

-- Tomas --

0 Kudos

Hi tomas.buryanek,

Thanks for the information. Yes, I compared both the forms. The setting and styles are same. I already tried with the local SF but same issue happening.

Could you please tell me where i can found "USE_CASCADING" option in Smartform ? If possible could you please share the screenshot where it is located.

0 Kudos

s.sudhirkumar You could find the answer yourself by searching the Web


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I understand what you mean concerning PDF! (this is the function code that we can use in the OTF preview to convert OTF into PDF) but I don't know what is the difference with the "print previewer screen", I don't know how you display the latter one.

Which SAP GUI version are you running?

0 Kudos

Hi sandra.rossi,

Thanks for the information. Yes, PDF! function code will trigger the program RSTXCPDF to make a conversion. We're using SAP ECC 6.0 version.

I gone to print preview by clicking the Print Preview button to executing the Form program.

I gone to PDF Previewer by typing PDF! function code In command prompt after Print previewer screen display.

I noticed that the Smart form was created with EN language (LTR) and translated in HE language. So, form automatically align text as RTL for HE language accordingly but when I check for one more smart form which have same setting and almost same design, It is working fine. I know its strange behavior but still now didn't get any useful information by debugging the forms.


Hello All,

Issue Resolved.

Smart Form takes into account the LOCL Printer in Print Preview Mode, which is then taken into account during the PDF preview and does not support the Hebrew language. To display the Hebrew language smart form, we need to maintain the special settings in the printer to accept the Hebrew language.