2011 Nov 25 1:54 PM
Hi All,
I have a inbound IDOC which creates new invoice evrery time it gets triggered. In the function module attached with that IDOC there is a logic written to fetch the payment terms from the vendor master LFB1. System should display that Payment terms in tcode MIR4 (Display Invoice) as per the logic written in the IDOC FM. But, It is displaying wrong payment terms.
Select single ZTERM
into v_zterm
from lfb1
where lifnr = p_lifnr.
I have checked while debugging my logic fetches the correct payment terms (20NM) but the same is not getting updated in MIR4 . wrong value (42 Net days ) geting updated. Please suggest what needs to be done to correct this.
2011 Nov 25 4:23 PM
Your quesion can be bit more clear. What is that 42 days..?? To my guess based on your payment terms due date might be calculated and kept as 42 days. If you can tell us about 42 days then someone can help you.
2011 Nov 25 4:43 PM
payment terms are set by configuration. Start by checking the setup in transaction FBZP.