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Password mapping restriction

Former Member
0 Kudos


There is restriction on the maximum length of the password while connecting EP 7.0 to R/3 4.7C. Problem is when users set their R/3 passwords greater than 8 characters, In the portal personalize iview, when doing the user mapping for system access, the password is truncated if more than eight characters are entered.

Now Scenario : User / Password mapping for connectivity EP 7.0 to ECC 6.0.

Is there any restriction with password length while user mapping EP 7.0 to ECC 6.0 through Personalize Iview? Do we need to change the user mapping for system access in the portal to accept more than eight characters? If yes, could you point me in the right direction to where I can change that configuration?

Please advise.




Former Member
0 Kudos

UME Password length change not reflecting Personalize iView Password field.

I changed the maximum length of password in UME to 40. The password input field did not change inside the personalize iView. The input field box is 17 characters wide and the black dots that represent the password within the input box are 8 characters. This doesn’t seem to change when I change the maximum length of password in UME configuration??? Is there a way to change the user mapping for system access in the personalize iView to accept more than eight characters? Appreciate any advise.

