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Partner Address NUmber Creation..

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guru's,

I have a little problem on creating the partner address number..

My requirment is to create address number for any partner number like 'ship to party'.i am using a custom bapi for sales order creation creation which is working fine....

My problem is i need to give partner address number'ADRNR' in 'partners' ( table parameter).

currently if i will give all the address informations.the bapi itself creating the address number internally....and it is reflecting in 'order_keys' parameter

i want to give the address number i need to pass only address number 'ADRNR'to the bapi.,so that it will retrive all the address informations what i have created for address number creation.


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Former Member
0 Kudos

When you create a customer and give the address details to the screen ( VD01/XD01), the address no is internally generated by the system ( As it use internal no range). So it is not possible to create a external no for the address no of a customer. Number range object ADRNR is used for that porpose. You can see the number range in T-Code SNRO. These address nos are sequentially created by the number range object ADRNR in a predefined interval.

0 Kudos


Thanks for ur help.

But ..i require to create externally...because..i need to create single delivery for dwo diffrent line items.those line items have all the inputs same...but it is creating different bapi is considering the same ship to party address for both the line items as different...for that issue..i have tried with putting previously created address number the partners parameter of bapi...ex:..if i am putting same address number for two different..line items of same values ( same address) is creating one delivery which is my requirment....but for the next line item with different shipping address i need to pass different address number....

for this only i need to create externally address number which will populate address information from that 'partners' parameter before entering into the 'sd_sales_document_create'...and i can pass only the partner address number into it...means both of the two line items.....

Do you have any idea...regarding thia..

i am giving you * points.

now..for your hepl..

try for this if you can...

more points waiting for ...
