2023 Apr 17 6:42 AM
Hi guys,
I have requirement like I have 6 parameters
1.employer I'd
2.emoloyee name
3.Employee department
4 leave from
5.Leave to
6.leave type
Im having fixed values for leave type - sick and casual leave.
If sick leave,Leave from should not be past date and leave to can be 2 days from leave from but it should not be less than leave from.
If casual leave ,leave from should be sy datum or greater than sy datum and leave to can be 4 day from leave from,but it should not be less than leave from.
2023 Apr 17 7:01 AM
2023 Apr 17 1:57 PM
Look at online documentation or your Abap training course for SELECTION-SCREEN ON {para|selcrit} and ON BLOCK block