2020 Aug 22 7:55 AM
what is a parallel processing in SAP? how do we use parallel processing?
2020 Aug 22 8:44 AM
Parallel processing is distributing a workload over multiple threads speeding up overall processing time.
For example if you have a workload of 1000 records in an internal table that need to be processed and you have 4 threads available. By distributing the load over these 4 available threads you are able to process 4 records at the same time, theoretically this could mean that you could reduce the overall processing time to 1/4th of the processing time you would have without implementing parallel processing. (in practice the chances that you actually reduce the processing time to 1/4th are rather slim, since some records might take more processing time than other, but I think you get the picture)
An excellent example on how to implement parallel processing can be found here: https://blogs.sap.com/2019/03/19/parallel-processing-made-easy/
Best regards,
Geert-Jan Klaps
2020 Aug 22 10:20 AM
2020 Aug 22 5:59 PM
2020 Aug 23 4:39 AM
There are several ways you can implement parallel processing. The requirements will reduce the number of options.
The main technique would be to call the same Function Module multiple times and wait for the responses. But you could also Submit the same report multiple times and schedule it as a background job and not have to wait for the responses.
I would suggest you study your requirements, do a little research, and come back, if necessary, with specific questions.
2020 Aug 23 6:58 AM
Here is an ABAP class library which can split given tasks into parallel processed jobs