2008 Aug 12 10:47 AM
Dear Friends,
In an outbound delivery, I want to pack 8 materials in one single External Handling unit.
How should I use this?
Presently I am using BAPI_HU_PACK 8 times to do this in a loop & passing the same HU in parameter
BAPIHUKEY-HU_EXID for all the time but with ITEMPROPOSAL which is different all the time.
Is this the right way to pack multiple materials in the same HU?
Please share your experience..
Thank you.
2008 Aug 12 8:31 PM
Are you trying to assign the HU to the delivery.
If yes, then please use the FM ws_delivery_update. I have tried this and it worked but after that the PGI was not happening.
So i had to use a BDC. It works perfectly fine.
Check this out and let me know your observations.
2008 Aug 13 6:07 AM
Yes, I have multiple line items on delivery, all they get assigned perfectly except one Handling Unit, the reason is I am packing multiple materials in this HU.
In other HUs I am packing one material at a time so it works ok.
2008 Aug 13 7:16 PM
Please explain a little more clearly.
Do you have an existing HU and you just want to assign it to the delivery or you want to create the HU also.
Please check how it is executed when working online.
HU that you want to assign to the delivery should have same/equal materials as that what we have in delivery.
Please check this out.