2023 Apr 06 11:15 AM
This obviously outputs ABC DEF but I want to be able to then copy this text on the screen using CTRL-Y and paste it into a table in SAP so that ABC goes in the first column and DEF goes in the second column. So this needs a TAB between ABC and DEF. I tried different ways to output a TAB to a screen list using ABAP but I just get something like ABC#DEF.
Is there a way to achieve this?
2023 Apr 07 9:10 AM
Possibly, instead of Ctrl+Y, Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V, use the clipboard methods in CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.
2023 Apr 13 3:53 PM
Tab is considered a non-printable character by SAP and these characters will be displayed with #. You cannot have an actual tab in a program's list processing screen (what is displayed when command WRITE is used) that you could copy and paste.
To achieve this, display an ALV grid instead of using WRITE. This way you'll be able to copy your text from the grid and insert it back in a grid.
I hope this helps.