2007 Oct 03 11:02 AM
hi to all abap gurus
my querry is we know that in inbound partner profile s processcode is thre . and it is assigned to one function module in that we are write the code for i/b program ie to pick the data form idoc and to update in to database . we write the o/b program in the abap editor se38 .
then what is the purpose of outbound process code ? can u pls expain in detail ? pls points will be assured for good anserws ? thanks in advance .
2007 Oct 03 11:09 AM
Outbound and inbound process codes are different and the function modules are also different for each process code.
For outbound, the process code is defined in the messagecontrol (in WE20 partner profile definition).
For inbound the process code is defined in the inbound options.(in WE20).
Every process code will have to be linked to message type and function module in WE64.
In WE57 also you need to define the link between logical message type and the FM.
Kindly go thro this link, u will get idea abt process codes.
Please give reward points.
Murali Poli
2007 Oct 03 11:05 AM
Hi Hari,
Similar to Inbound for Outbound also
the Outbound Process code triggers the Fun module for outbound Idocs
So PROCESS code is mainly to trigger the Fun module of respective Type(Inbound/Outbound)
see WE41 and WE42 for Outbound and Inbound process codes
2007 Oct 03 11:07 AM
hI hari.
Outbound process code will be used only in case of Message Control (Transaction data in MM and SD Modules) .
It will refer the the Outbound FM that will create the IDOCS in outbound.
But for Master data we need not to assign the Outbound process code.
2007 Oct 03 11:09 AM
Outbound and inbound process codes are different and the function modules are also different for each process code.
For outbound, the process code is defined in the messagecontrol (in WE20 partner profile definition).
For inbound the process code is defined in the inbound options.(in WE20).
Every process code will have to be linked to message type and function module in WE64.
In WE57 also you need to define the link between logical message type and the FM.
Kindly go thro this link, u will get idea abt process codes.
Please give reward points.
Murali Poli
2007 Oct 03 11:11 AM
in outbound(sending system) process code reads the application document
means whenever changes made to an businessobject these changes can be read
by process code . process code contain function module
u have to keep the logic inthis function module.and this function module reads the document generates IDOC in outbound system
WE41(outbound process code)
WE42(inbound process code)
reward for use ful points
2007 Oct 03 11:15 AM