2011 Jan 04 5:40 AM
Hi ,
I am developing a report for open PO .
selection screen contains 2 fields , sales org and creation date.
I m stuck now.
below select query gets the open orders
FROM ekko JOIN ekpo on ekkoebeln = ekpoEBELN
join ekbe on ekpoEBELN = ekbeEBELN
where ekkoekorg in p_org and ekkoBSTYP = 'F' and ekkoLOEKZ = ' ' and ekbeELIKZ = ' ' and ekko~AEDAT in c_date.
but my question is how do I differentiate weather its GR'd IR'd etc . I also want the open quantity ( ordered qty - deliveried qnty)
Can some one give me some hint/logic?
2011 Jan 04 5:50 AM
Check out EKET table.
INNER JOIN eket ON ekpoebeln = eketebeln AND ekpoebelp = eketebelp
2011 Jan 04 5:58 AM
Hi Rajesh,
For open PO - elikz NE 'X' or EQ ' ' ( You get this field in EKBE & also in EKPO)
For GR - bewtp = 'E' & For IR - Bewtp = 'Q' (in table EKBE)
For Schedule lines - Use table EKET (like if Ordered Qty is 5 -and Del. Qty comes in 3 Schedules of 2 +2 +1 )
Set a flag - as it's completely open (i.e. 5 out of 5 open) or Pending (2 out of 5 are pending ) with the help of table EKET & EKBE.
Reply Back if you hvae any query.
Edited by: Ashlesha R. Bhagat on Jan 4, 2011 7:18 AM
2011 Jan 05 4:39 AM
Hi Ashelsha,
Thanks for the info.
I still have some doubts i.e scheduled lines table concept I didnt understand .
If the order is scheduled the entry ll be in this table ? as soon as its deliveried the entry is removed? or any other concepts?
and if the PO is GR'd - bewtp = 'E' & For IR'd - Bewtp = 'Q' (in table EKBE)? or if GR and IR are pending then these values?
Sorry for troubling you.
Edited by: rajesh.nayakbola on Jan 5, 2011 10:09 AM
2011 Feb 18 6:58 AM
Extremely sorry... for not looking back to this Thread.
It's too late, still trying to make it as clear as I can.
Complete Process - Purchase Requision (PR) --> Purchase Order (PO) --> MIGO (or GR) --> MIRO (or GI)
Come to Your Requirement -->
* PO qty will be your 'Ordered Qty' (EKPO-menge)
PO POItem Material Ordered Qty
1234 10 M1 10
1234 20 M2 5
* If the Material is Delivered - ('MIGO' or GR) - ONLY THEN you find Entries in EKBE table with bewtp = 'E'.
PO POItem Material Category Qty(delivered)
1234 10 M1 E 10
* If Invoice is done- (MIRO or GI) - ONLY THEN you find entries in EKBE table with bewty = 'Q'.
PO POItem Material Category Qty(invoiced)
1234 10 M1 E 10
1234 10 M1 Q 10
For Schedule Lines -->
Material can deliverd as
1. Complete in one Delivery --> as Ordered Qty = 10 & Delivered Qty = 10
2. Partial in each Schedule --> Ordered Qty = 10 & Delivered Qty = 5 + 2 + 2 + 1.
-->If You need to Trace this Schedules, Only then go to table EKET otherewise Not Required. Above tables have enough info
* Once the First Schedule Delivered this table gets its entry for the PO
PO POItem Schedule line Date Scheduled Qty
1234 10 1 01.02.2011 5
* Then for Next Schedules --
PO POItem Schedule line Date Scheduled Qty
1234 10 1 01.02.2011 5
1234 10 2 10.02.2011 2
1234 10 3 10.02.2011 2
1234 10 4 18.02.2011 1
Edited by: Ashlesha R. Bhagat on Feb 18, 2011 7:59 AM
2011 Jan 04 9:04 AM
You can get open quantity from MDUB . Subtract the two quantity fields ( are consolidated values ). For GR & IR you can get it from EKBE ( i think the field which differentiates this is VGBAE or BWART ).