2010 Aug 19 1:36 PM
I am using OOALV, in which I have to make subtotals of integer values based on multple fields. how to achieve this?
2010 Aug 19 1:45 PM
Create a sort table and pass those field in sort table for the last sorted field put subtot = 'X' and pass this sort table to
Method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY, remember to put do_sum = 'X' for intereger fields in fieldcatalog.
2010 Aug 19 1:48 PM
The approach mentioned will subtotal individual columns...if multiple columns must be inserted into a single subtotal, you can add a row, at the appropriate spot in your internal table, with the value computed....may reuire using/managing some sort control column, which can be hidden.
2010 Aug 19 4:07 PM
Check this links:
I Hope it helps you.