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OData no result after impleenting the method get_expanded_entityset

0 Kudos

Hi experts,
any idea about on this issue?
I created a simple OData in SEGW, and it is working fine. but after changing the structure of SalesHeader from VBAK to ZAJ_VBAK and try to execute in the odata service in /iwfnd/gw_client its not returning any records



-the URL is correct
-both custom table has records

-I already tried to do frontend/backend cleanup

-mapping of structure is correct

-I already regenerate the runtime objects

-my program is correct, and I don't see any error

- passing the records in er_entityset is successful and the records is correct 




  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entityset.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_header,
             SalesOrderID        TYPE zaj_vbak-vbeln, "SalesOrderID
             SalesDocType        TYPE zaj_vbak-auart, "SalesDocType
             DocumentDate        TYPE zaj_vbak-audat, "DocumentDate
             SalesOrg            TYPE zaj_vbak-vkorg, "SalesOrg
             DistributionChannel TYPE zaj_vbak-vtweg, "DistributionChannel
             Division            TYPE zaj_vbak-spart, "Division
             rdd                 TYPE zaj_vbak-vdatu, "RDD
             PurchaseOrder       TYPE zaj_vbak-bstnk, "PurchaseOrder
             SalesDocCategory    TYPE zaj_vbak-vbtyp, "SalesDocCategory
           END OF ts_header,
           BEGIN OF ts_extension,
             mandt TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-mandt, "Mandt
             vbeln TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-vbeln, "Vbeln
             erdat TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-erdat, "Erdat
             erzet TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-erzet, "Erzet
             tcode TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-tcode, "Tcode
             price TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-price, "Price
             waers TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-waers, "Waers
             text1 TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-text1, "Text1
             text2 TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-text2, "Text2
             text3 TYPE zaj_vbak_ext-text3, "Text3
           END OF ts_extension.

    DATA: lt_header    TYPE TABLE OF ts_header,
          lt_extension TYPE TABLE OF ts_extension.
    DATA: ls_header    TYPE ts_header,
          ls_extension TYPE ts_extension.

    DATA: BEGIN OF ls_expanded,
            SalesOrderID        TYPE zaj_vbak-vbeln, "SalesOrderID
            SalesDocType        TYPE zaj_vbak-auart, "SalesDocType
            DocumentDate        TYPE zaj_vbak-audat, "DocumentDate
            SalesOrg            TYPE zaj_vbak-vkorg, "SalesOrg
            DistributionChannel TYPE zaj_vbak-vtweg, "DistributionChannel
            Division            TYPE zaj_vbak-spart, "Division
            rdd                 TYPE zaj_vbak-vdatu, "RDD
            PurchaseOrder       TYPE zaj_vbak-bstnk, "PurchaseOrder
            SalesDocCategory    TYPE zaj_vbak-vbtyp, "SalesDocCategory
            extension           TYPE TABLE OF ts_extension,
          END OF ls_expanded.

    DATA: lt_expanded LIKE TABLE OF ls_expanded.

    SELECT vbeln auart audat vkorg vtweg spart vdatu bstnk vbtyp FROM zaj_vbak INTO TABLE lt_header.

    SELECT * FROM zaj_vbak_ext INTO TABLE lt_extension
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_header
        WHERE vbeln = lt_header-salesorderid.

    LOOP AT lt_header INTO ls_header.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_header TO ls_expanded.
      LOOP AT lt_extension INTO ls_extension WHERE Vbeln = ls_header-salesorderid.

        APPEND ls_extension TO ls_expanded-extension[].

      APPEND ls_expanded TO lt_expanded.

      CLEAR: ls_expanded, ls_header, ls_extension.

        is_data = lt_expanded
        cr_data = er_entityset

    APPEND 'Nav_to_VbakExt' TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.





status code = 200 but no result






  "d" : {
    "results" : [
        "__metadata" : {
          "id" : "http://azrerptap025.cscsapconsulting.local:50800/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV/SalesHeaderSet('')",
          "uri" : "http://azrerptap025.cscsapconsulting.local:50800/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV/SalesHeaderSet('')",
          "type" : "ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV.SalesHeader"
        "SalesOrderID" : "",
        "SalesDocType" : "",
        "DocumentDate" : null,
        "SalesOrg" : "",
        "DistributionChannel" : "",
        "Division" : "",
        "RDD" : null,
        "PurchaseOrder" : "",
        "SalesDocCategory" : "",
        "Nav_to_VbakExt" : {
          "results" : [
              "__metadata" : {
                "id" : "http://azrerptap025.cscsapconsulting.local:50800/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV/SalesExtensionSet(Mandt='',Vbeln='')",
                "uri" : "http://azrerptap025.cscsapconsulting.local:50800/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV/SalesExtensionSet(Mandt='',Vbeln='')",
                "type" : "ZAJ_ODATA_SD1_SRV.SalesExtension"
              "Mandt" : "",
              "Vbeln" : "",
              "Erdat" : null,
              "Erzet" : "PT00H00M00S",
              "Tcode" : "",
              "Price" : "0.00",
              "Waers" : "",
              "Text1" : "",
              "Text2" : "",
              "Text3" : ""






0 Kudos

I found the issue, the name of structure fields in program and data model is not same

the fields of structure in the program should be same in odata data model abap field name(association/structure,etc)
and this 


APPEND 'Nav_to_VbakExt' TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.


should be


APPEND 'NAV_TO_VBAKEXT' TO et_expanded_tech_clauses.


 need to use the ABAP field name not the XML tag/JSON field