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OData binding problem with types

  • SAP Managed Tags:

So, I have an xml view, and a table with some columns in it. I do the odata connecting (V4) in the controller.js, and with the table id I bind the data to the sap.m.table. If I know right, odata binding will get the type of the data from the metadata, which is fine, but I get the following error all the time:

FormatException in property 'text' of 'Element sap.m.Text#idView1--text0-idView1--table0-0': Type 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Raw' does not support formatting
Hint: single properties referenced in composite bindings and within binding expressions are automatically convertedinto the type of the bound control property, unless a different 'targetType' is specified. targetType:'any' may avoidthe conversion and lead to the expected behavior. -

No matter what the Edm type is (String or Int32)

In js view I can define the type I need, but in xml I can not find the right way.
There is my view.xml:

<core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:commons="sap.ui.commons" xmlns:table="sap.ui.table"
        controllerName="sapodatawithxmlview.View" xmlns:html="">
                <Page id="page" title="{i18n>title}">

                    <Table noDataText="Drop column list items here and columns in the area above" id="table0" items="{/ac4ypersistentchildodata}">
                            <ColumnListItem type="Active" id="item0">
                                    <Text id="text0" text="{id}"/>
                                    <Text id="text1" text="{name}"/>
                                    <Text xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" id="text1_copy5" text="{createdAt}"/>
                            <Column id="column0">
                                    <Label text="ID" id="label0"/>
                            <Column xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" id="column0_copy">
                                    <Label text="Name" id="label0_copy"/>
                            <Column xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" id="column0_copy2">
                                    <Label text="Registration Date" id="label0_copy2"/>


and the controller onInit method:

onInit: function() {
        var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataModel({
            groupId: "$direct",
            synchronizationMode: "None",
            serviceUrl: "https://localhost:44315/odata/"
        var oTable = this.byId("table0");

Thank you any help in advance!!!


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
  • SAP Managed Tags:

That's right. The v4.ODataPropertyBinding adds a corresponding data type according to the EDM Type from the `$metadata` document. See

Consequently, apply targetType: 'any' to those OData property binding infos to turn the automatic type determination off. E.g.:

  <Text text="{ path: 'id', targetType: 'any', formatter: '.format' }" />
  <!-- ... -->
format: function(value) {
  const formattedValue = /*Do something with the fn parameter(s)*/;
  return formattedValue;

As shown above, you can optionally add a custom formatter to the controller to display the value correctly in the UI.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
  • SAP Managed Tags:

That's right. The v4.ODataPropertyBinding adds a corresponding data type according to the EDM Type from the `$metadata` document. See

Consequently, apply targetType: 'any' to those OData property binding infos to turn the automatic type determination off. E.g.:

  <Text text="{ path: 'id', targetType: 'any', formatter: '.format' }" />
  <!-- ... -->
format: function(value) {
  const formattedValue = /*Do something with the fn parameter(s)*/;
  return formattedValue;

As shown above, you can optionally add a custom formatter to the controller to display the value correctly in the UI.