2023 Oct 12 6:42 PM
Hi SAP Experts,
How should I use OBJNR field for linking tables, I checked for a few tables like PROJ took the OBJNR and passed to PRPS and got no ouput, however I used OBJNR values from PRPS and passed to status table, it worked. Can you please guide me about how to use OBJNR?
2023 Oct 13 12:25 PM
OBJNR are not used to make link between table. It is more about link with general object like text, status, ...
2023 Oct 13 1:30 PM
frdric.girod Weird that you say "OBJNR are not used to make link between table", I would say "are used". OBJNR starting with PD -> table PROJ, starting with PR -> table PRPS, etc. Examples other than PROJ-OBJNR are BKPF-AWKEY, CRMD_ORDERADM_H-GUID (generally speaking, "most of" GUIDs in the tables are used to make link), etc.