2007 Sep 17 10:02 AM
In the trace I saw that the value SEL was asked for field rszcomptp for object s_rs_comp1 (BI). The possible values for that field do not show this value. The only way to let it run is to give * to this field. Some one with an other solution?
Have fun and let me know.
Jan van Roest
2007 Sep 17 1:40 PM
I have had this happen with BI as will as some of the other systems. I open an OSS note and explain what the SU53 and/or trace shows and this option is not available. I then explain that * is not an option. I have had them write a note to remove the call or have it added to the selection.
Also I would search the notes first they may have already addressed this.
2007 Sep 17 1:40 PM
I have had this happen with BI as will as some of the other systems. I open an OSS note and explain what the SU53 and/or trace shows and this option is not available. I then explain that * is not an option. I have had them write a note to remove the call or have it added to the selection.
Also I would search the notes first they may have already addressed this.