2007 Jul 13 2:30 PM
In we20 transaction we have got Partner Profile Details. I want to write a select query to get all the partnernos whose partner name(Field Name DESCPR_RCVPRN) starts with ABCDE .The data is maintained in the view VEDI_TDPP1 (Maintenance View)
I am writing a Query in my report to select from VEDI_TDPP1.But it shows syntactical error
"VEDI_TDPP1" is not defined in the ABAP Dictionary as a table, projection view
or database view.
I am not able to find the corresponding table for selecting the field DESCPR_RCVPRN.Can anyone help me on this it is very urgent
2007 Jul 13 2:36 PM
The field is in the view
But the value is coming from table TEDTT and field DESCRP.
Check the view in SE11.
2007 Jul 13 2:39 PM
Hi, you can try this
or this
Go to se11, type the table name and type ctrlshiftf3.
Will popup to you a screen with the link utilizations of the table that you input.
Mark the table table that you want to see the link and press ctrl+f1, will popup to you now the link with the fields that you need.
If useful, please reward points.
2007 Jul 13 2:39 PM
The view you are trying to read is a Maintenance View. If you look in SE11 as to what tables it has, EDPP1 looks like the one you need.
2007 Jul 13 2:39 PM
2007 Jul 13 2:43 PM
Check the Partner profile related tables
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>
2007 Jul 13 2:50 PM
Hi All,
I know that the table is TEDTT,But when I checked the TEDTT table, and analysed the entry for field DESCRP it does not have partner names , it has only entries like Bank,Customer,Logical System etc . I could not find the table from which it is picking up the Partner Name
2007 Jul 13 2:50 PM