2023 Mar 28 12:35 PM
Dear SAPians,
I'm getting one code inspector error in the program 'No Where Condition'.
The Issue is coming from this query.
When I check documentation for MAX or MIN function for the Select Query, It's showing the same code that I have used in my Program. In the documentation there are no where condition as you can see in below screenshot.
Is there any solutions for this issue?
Pranay Maity
2023 Mar 28 5:19 PM
The code inspector is telling you that you are counting how many entries there are in the entire table. If this is what you intend, then you need to take the action appropriate for where you work. E.g. apply for exemption, or ignore. DO NOT PUT SOME SILLY CODE IN JUST TO GET AROUND THE CODE INSPECTOR.
Usual, when people use COUNT, they're counting how many records meet a specific condition, hence code inspector raises it as a possible issue.