2023 Dec 03 8:42 AM
Dear Expert,
i am facing an error for a z report as following:
try to find parameters to allocate more memory, but couldn't find it.
Please help.
2023 Dec 03 9:00 AM
It means 99.9% of the time that your program is consuming TOO MUCH memory, not that the computer has insufficient memory.
Please edit your question, and explain why you need to load more than 7 million rows into an internal table. It's usually something that you can easily avoid as you can find by searching the forum.
(load and processing of packages with each a limited size)
2023 Dec 03 9:33 AM
it is sale reports that retrieve from billing, delivery and sale orders for nation wide. i have around 20 sale org and 17 plants.
Is there another ways to get such report?
2023 Dec 03 11:49 AM
If you search the forum, you can see that if it happens for standard programs, and if there's no patch available, the only solution is to reduce the scope of the report and run it several times with each part of the scope, or to contact SAP Support to request a developer to do a patch.
I think you now have all the key information to solve by yourself.
2023 Dec 03 12:30 PM
Enable the ST12 trace to check the overall expensive SQL statement, if it is required to create the Z-Index to avoid the dumps.
2023 Dec 08 1:13 AM
2023 Dec 08 10:23 AM
The problem here is not that the program is taking too long (e.g. because of an expensive SQL statement), but it's running out of memory.
2023 Dec 04 7:49 AM
Hello ratana.pouy
ratana.pouyRefer to the note 2180736 - TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED short dump for detailed explanation of the TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED and how to analyze them.
I guess yours is a custom sales report. Therefore the best bet would be to optimize the report and reduce its memory consumption.
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski
2023 Dec 08 9:06 AM
For that first enable the ST12 trace, as mentions in the blog after that check the MS SQl summary. in that which table select statement taking long duration and check the Z-index requirements.
2023 Dec 08 10:23 AM
The problem here is not that the program is taking too long (e.g. because of an expensive SQL statement), but it's running out of memory.