2023 Feb 01 9:52 AM
Hello all,
I am trying to do an implicit enhancement in report /ACI/EQUIPMENT_MAPPER. So I went to the ABAP editor, switched on "enhance" with Shift+F4 and then clicked "Edit->Enhancement Operations->Show Implicit Enhancement Options".
Nothing happens - I do not see the lines that represent the implicit spots as usual. Is it maybe because of the namespace?
ABAP stack: 752
2023 Feb 07 5:14 AM
The problem has been resolved by SAP. I had to implement note 3198372.
2023 Feb 06 8:40 PM
Implicit enhancement spots are only available in FORM routines or class methods. The report /ACI/EQUIPMENT_MAPPER doesn't have any of those. If you go into the include /ACI/EQUIPMENT_MAPPER_FORM you will see the possible enhancement options.
2023 Feb 07 4:49 AM
Next to implicit enhancement spots in a FORM or a CLASS there is also an implicit enhancement enhancement in the MAIN program. Which is /ACI/EQUIPMENT_MAPPER here. You could implement an additional LOAD-OF-PROGRAM, START-OF-SELECTION or other event in an implicit enhancement spot on your MAIN program. Multiple events are possible and they are processed in order. Resulting in first the standard SAP events being processed and next your enhancement spot events.
2023 Feb 07 5:14 AM
The problem has been resolved by SAP. I had to implement note 3198372.
2023 Feb 07 10:01 AM
It doesn't seem related, are you sure it's the note number 3198372?
3198372 - Runtime error in ABAP Editor after pretty printing an enhancement
2023 Mar 01 12:23 PM
sandra.rossi Yes - I am sure. Don't know where the connection to this problem is - but enhancing was generally blocked before this fix.
2023 Mar 02 8:32 AM