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Needed Help: SAP User cannot Post in any of the transactions

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Hi Experts,

I have a problem on our QAS system, I have tried to post a lot of documents in transaction MIGO, in creating RFQ through ME41, in Posting Accounting Document in FB50. But all of them failed with the Express Document appearing at the end of the "Document Number Created" message.

Express Documents range from:

I. "MESSAGE_TYPE_X" when creating RFQ of One Time Vendors:

+Short text of error message:

Database error changing table ADRC

Long text of error message:

Technical information about the message:

Message class....... "AM"

Number.............. 842

Variable 1.......... "ADRC"

Variable 2.......... " "

Variable 3.......... " "

Variable 4.......... " "

Information on where terminated

Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLSZA0" - in "ADDR_SAVE_INTERN".

The main program was "RSM13000 ".

In the source code you have the termination point in line 553

of the (Include) program "LSZA0U47".

The program "SAPLSZA0" was started in the update system.+


+An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.

The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB', was not caught


procedure "INSERT_TABLES" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.

Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the

exception would occur, the current program is terminated.

The reason for the exception is:

If you use an ABAP/4 Open SQL array insert to insert a record in

the database and that record already exists with the same key,

this results in a termination.

(With an ABAP/4 Open SQL single record insert in the same error

situation, processing does not terminate, but SY-SUBRC is set to 4.)+


+An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.

The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB', was not caught

in procedure "INSERT_TABLES" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.

Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the

exception would occur, the current program is terminated.

The reason for the exception is:

If you use an ABAP/4 Open SQL array insert to insert a record in

the database and that record already exists with the same key,

this results in a termination.

(With an ABAP/4 Open SQL single record insert in the same error

situation, processing does not terminate, but SY-SUBRC is set to 4.)+

Please provide direct solution for the system problem. And please tell me also what are the usual causes of these problems (Configuration-wise or ABAP)


0 Kudos

Hi ,

once check the number range for the documents,may be u created a nunber range for doc_type which already exists and due to this it might be giving sql dump record already exists....this just a wild guess.


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How can I check for example for MIGO (material document posting)? What are the transaction codes?

Thanks a lot!

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For MIGO, Check whether the MIGO number you are creating is already available in table MKPF. For Accounting document check in BKPF.



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Accounting Numbers and Material Numberes are not yet created in BKPF and MKPF. I tried several times but Express Document still appears in the screen.

0 Kudos


Go to ST22 and see the short dump generated. See which part of the code is giving the error.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Moderator message - Please respect the 2,500 character maximum when posting. Post only the relevant portions of the dump.

Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jul 30, 2010 9:19 AM

Former Member
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Yes. They are all under SQL Database Insert, either Duplicate records or a Database Insert failure. Do these errors have anything to do with configuration like Closing Fiscal Periods? I only remembered doing those in the System but it was running fine after that only last week that I got these Express Document Errors.

I checked also the Number ranges, the current number range is not updating. When I post a document, it's always the same number generated.

0 Kudos

a DUPREC always means that the record you wanted to append/insert was already existant.

Due to database restrictions it is simply not possible to have two records with same key. But thats what happens here.

This can happen due to a full number range, or other errors.

0 Kudos

Please tell me how to solve the duplicating Number problem.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I already investigated this in the system and this issue still occurs I already changed the current number in transaction code OMBT, still error occurs in Posting any Account Documents. When I change the current number manually, then post a document in MIGO, the document number will be displayed in the status bar. But once you tried any function/push any button, an express document will be displayed with the error DUPREC.

I checked in OMBT the current number range and it's incrementing to 10 example if last current doc number is 5000000510, the new current doc number will be 5000000520.

Do we have any confoguration that will correct this increment on the number range interval for Accounting Documents? Curerntly only Accounting Documents cannot post, other than these documents like Sales Order, PO, PR, etc. they can be created.

There are no changes in the user exits affecting the transaction as it was running smoothly last month.

Please help. Thanks a lot!

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Check in OBA7 if the number range have been maintained for the corresponding accounting document type for the material document type you are tryinhg.

Hope it helps.


Former Member
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No Solution, did client copy to QAS Testing System.