2011 Dec 21 11:18 AM
I have a requirement where i need to include custom sub-screen in one of the tabs in MM01. The custom sub-screen has a button clicking on which should display a pop-up box, where user can enter values like some long text etc and then when user clicks 'Save' in MM01/02 the pop-up text along with other details should get saved into the z tables.
1. Created a custom subscreen and assigned it in SPRO under, Logistics-General -> Material Master -> Configure the material Master-> Define Strcture of Data screens for Each Screen sequence
2. Created a new screen of type 'modal dialog box'. This modal dialog box i want to use as a pop-up when user hits button on the custom subscreen.
Pls. confirm how this can be achieved.
2011 Dec 21 11:33 AM
1. Create a screen with modal dialog box and set the fn codes for continue, cancel and exit.
2. if sy-ucomm = 'BUTTON'.
call screen 100 starting at 25 05. // This is used to call the modal dialog box.
3.In PAI of screen 100 write this code
if you press on continue in modal dialog box then save the inputs what you are entered in the screen
if sy-ucomm = 'CONTINUE'.
ztable-field = field1.
insert ztable.
4. if you press on cancel then exit from the screen
if sy-ucomm = 'CANCEL'.
leave to screen 0.
Edited by: Ravi.Seela on Dec 21, 2011 12:34 PM
2011 Dec 21 12:00 PM
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for the reply. I had already done this piece. But some how the custom pop-screen does not appear. It is displaying some standard pop-up with 3 buttons 'other material', 'additional data' & 'organisational levels'. I have aleady maintained the entries for the custom code for the screen sequence in t133e and T133d tables.
2011 Dec 21 12:04 PM
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for the reply. I had already done this piece. But some how the custom pop-screen does not appear. It is displaying some standard pop-up with 3 buttons 'other material', 'additional data' & 'organisational levels'. I have aleady maintained the entries for the custom code for the screen sequence in t133e and T133d tables.
2011 Dec 24 9:18 AM
What Ravi has suggested should work.
If it is not working, put a breakpoint and debug.
If you are getting some unknown buttons, you have not defined and called the GUI Status.