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Need to create a specific search help for a field in an exit screen



I implemented the EMDI0001 enhancement to add a new field in the transaction ES31 ; everything is ok for display/modification/save management.

Now I would like to add a search help on this field, but the need is relatively complex so I have to do a specific search help with a search help exit (thus with an FM).

First I would like to provide as a parameter to my search help the value of a field of my standard screen (with its ID parameter?) because from this value I have to perform a process (execution of methods of different nested objects with rules complex management) which will give me the result to display.

The result must be of the form: Code/Text, on two columns. For example I could have:

CODE1 Text code 1

CODE2 Text code 2

CODE3 Text code 3

I have already created the search help as well as the FM for the search help exit, I manage to trigger the search help on the field, but in debug I cannot recover this standard zone in the FM interface.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Active Contributor
  • In which customer-exit did you create your dynpro, many SMOD Enhancements provide the standard field values in Exit FM called at PBO and PAI.
  • If the standard field is currently displayed in main (standard) screen, you can (should) read its current value with DYNP_VALUES_READ (you could set the parameter START_SEARCH_IN_MAIN_SCREEN)

Active Contributor
  • In which customer-exit did you create your dynpro, many SMOD Enhancements provide the standard field values in Exit FM called at PBO and PAI.
  • If the standard field is currently displayed in main (standard) screen, you can (should) read its current value with DYNP_VALUES_READ (you could set the parameter START_SEARCH_IN_MAIN_SCREEN)

0 Kudos

Hi Raymond, the customer-exit is EMDI0001 - IS-U: Installation - subscreen integration and field check

I implemented the screen exit SAPLES30 0201 to add my specific field, it's ok.

0 Kudos


If the field required to build the allowed value list is currently displayed in main dynpro (standard dynpro)

  • You should read its current value with FM DYNP_VALUES_READ. You could call this FM in the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST part of your customer subscreen logic (as it's usually done) or from the erxit of your search-help.


  • You could find the value in the parameters received previously during PBO from exit FM EXIT_SAPLES30_003 (save the values in some global variable or class attribute)

Then build the list in your search-help exit

  • A FM such as F4UT_RESULTS_MAP in, step SELECT can help you to convert you own format of record to the format expected by the search-help.

0 Kudos

Hi Raymond,

thank you for your advice, I implemented the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST event in the SAPLES30 exit screen.

The event is triggered, now I have to retrieve my data, display it in F4 and be able to feed my specific field.

It's on the right way.

0 Kudos


Finally, I managed to implement my need, it's perfect.

I added in the exit screen a POV event on my specific field, then I used the FM F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to display and retrieve the desired value.

Thank you very much for your help.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If you ask a question which talks about a screen from a customer exit, a standard transaction code, a standard zone in a standard screen, you should at least provide the names in the question.

If you want to ask the question generically, maybe you could go straight to the point like asking "after invoking search help, how to read the value of any screen field from the exit function module of this search help, where the screen fields are in the same screen of the field where you trigger the search help."