2023 May 10 2:29 PM
Hi Guru,
I am new here.
I have some things that I can not understand about the relationship between range table and select option. I have been looked many references on the internet but I can not solve my problem. Could anyone explain it for me!
Thank you very much!
Let explain my problem in detail below
I have a range table with structure like this
I BT 5 10
I CP 1*
I CO ?
which value I can enter for low field when OPTION field is CO?
Also, which value for case of CN CA NA CS NS
2023 May 10 3:02 PM
You are confusing
(Use provided links to access Abap online help)
2023 May 10 2:51 PM
To my knowledge, valid operators in the OPTION field are EQ / NE / GE / GT / LE / LT / CP / NP and if the column high is not initial you can use BT / NB.
So what do you mean by CO CN CA NA CS NS ?
2023 May 10 3:02 PM
You are confusing
(Use provided links to access Abap online help)
2023 May 11 5:10 AM
2023 May 11 1:22 PM
Note: CP as a comparison operator is not case sensitive. In a range/select option it is.
2023 May 10 5:52 PM
A "Ranges Table" is an internal table whose lines have a special structure (SIGN, OPTION, LOW, HIGH) and special values for SIGN and OPTION (see Raymond answer), and can be used after ABAP word "IN" in statements containing conditions (IF, CHECK, SELECT ... WHERE ... and so on).
A "Selection Criterion" is declared with ABAP keyword SELECT-OPTIONS, it is at the same time:
2023 May 11 12:04 AM
I understand how to valid operators in the OPTION field are EQ / NE / GE / GT / LE / LT / CP / NP
But in range table could we use options is CO/CN/ CA /NA/ CS /NS
Because I have been read some example of those things wrote in program and I also referenced this material.
I am sorry for my inclear queétion!
2023 May 11 4:42 AM
Please take a look to the right answer of Raymond Giuseppi.
The valid operators for OPTION field in SELECT-OPTIONS or RANGE are EQ / NE / GE / GT / LE / LT / CP / NP.
CO/CN/ CA /NA/ CS /NS are operators for comparison of strings in a logical expressions.