2011 Dec 23 12:07 AM
Hi ,
I want to display cost of the components in CS11 / CS12 / CS13 T.codes Std SAP will not display the cost of components for this we have find note 177006 .
I have passed the MBWLS = 'X' in function module CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 importing parameters and created a profile (ZXXXXX) in CLVL and maintained in user profile(SU3).However iam not able to understand the "IF query " given SAP Note
where we need to write the "IF query" ?
"In the IF query of the proposed modification (see Corrections -> Correction instructions), 'your_display_profil' must be replaced by the name of the user-defined display list profile determined via transaction CLVL (for example, 'YAPCSLBLMP01') and 'your_print_profil' must be replaced by the name of the user-defined print profile (for example, 'YAPCSLBLMP02'). The IF query of the modification ensures that the material valuations are only read from the database if the self-defined list profile is used for the output of this material data"
Please assist me,what are the steps needs to be taken care for the implement of SAP note.
Thanks & Regards
2011 Dec 23 12:31 AM
2011 Dec 23 1:33 AM
Hi Jeevan,
It seems the Note 432807 - Condition Error, Excel flicker & Read-only problem is not relevant for CS12 / CS13?
2011 Dec 23 2:26 AM
I mentioned about this correction
I think the implemention of the note you mentioned changes the code like [this.|https://websmp230.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/corr_instr/correction_detail.htm?_CINSTA=0120061532&_CALEID=0000432807&_CPAKID=1&_PGMID=LIMU&_OBJ=REPS%20%20&_OBJNAM=RCS13001&tab=2]
The programs behind CS1* are RCS1*001