2020 Apr 24 9:35 AM
I am using a standard View Cluster, CAREAMAINT. I want to jump on a substructure (Activate components/control indicators) which is a different view, V_TKA00(and that is essential to my requirement), without viewing the root structure (V_TKA01_GD - Basic data). If I skip to the other structure, I believe I can also skip message log on the first screen, which is as per the requirement, using the relevant condition. I am providing the condition (Controlling Area, KOKRS) in sm34, but it keeps jumping on the same view's 2nd screen of the TMG (V_TKA01_GD), instead of the other view's. Also, that substructure doesn't show in the hierarchy of sm34, but it does show in se54 and spro's config screen.
Transaction : OKKP
Requirement: to find the relevant condition to navigate directly to View V_TKA00 screen (Substructure: Activate components/control indicators), and skip the V_TKA01_GD screen (Root node: Basic data), so I can directly modify the existing data of V_TKA00.
I am also unable to directly access the view from SM30.
okkp-transaction-1st-screen-v-tka01-gd-screen-1-ba.png OKKP transaction 1st screen - V_TKA01_GD screen 1 - Basic Data
okkp-trasnaction-2nd-screen-v-tka01-gd-screen-2-ba.png OKKP trasnaction 2nd screen - V_TKA01_GD screen 2 - Basic Data - this I am able to reach directly by inputing condition
okkp-trasnaction-2nd-screen-v-tka00-screen-2-sub-s.png OKKP trasnaction 2nd screen - V_TKA00 screen 2 - sub structure Activate components control indicators - this is where I want to reach directly by inputing conditions
sm34-screen-of-view-cluster-careamaint-this-doesnt.png SM34 screen of View cluster CAREAMAINT - This doesn't show the nested sub structures
sm34-screen-of-view-cluster-careamaint-accessed-di.png SM34 screen of View cluster CAREAMAINT accessed directly by providing Controlling Area as restriction - This is 2nd screen of V_TKA01_GD under Basic Data itself
Please let me know of any insights that can help with the same.
2020 Apr 24 10:15 AM
I don't understand what you're trying to achieve. You say that it's a standard view cluster and you want to "jump/navigate", what does that mean? Are you trying to change the standard view cluster or what?
That would help us if you attach screenshots of your view cluster definition (SE54) and of the corresponding execution (SM34).
Some views are defined so that to allow their use only inside view clusters (attribute "restricted").
2020 Apr 24 11:44 AM
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for your response. I have added the screenshots.
As per the requirement, it is essential to skip the 1st screen, which shows not only a different view, V_TKA01_GD instead of V_TKA00, but also a message log, both of which should not be visible. Need to directly access V_TKA00, which SM30 isn't allowing me to. Such is the requirement.
2020 Apr 24 3:37 PM
Thank you. So, what I understand is that you have a custom program from which you want to display/maintain directly V_TKA00, for a given controlling area.
You didn't say what you did until now, but I think that you may do it by calling the function module VIEWCLUSTER_MAINTENANCE_CALL and passing the controlling area via parameter DBA_SELLIST, but it means that you must display the view cluster, you cannot just display V_TKA00 via SM30 because it was not designed for that.
DATA(gt_sellist) = VALUE tt_vimsellist(
( viewfield = 'OBJAP'
operator = 'EQ'
value = 'BUPA' )
( viewfield = 'SICHT'
operator = 'EQ'
value = 'BKK110' ) ).
DATA(vclname) = CONV vcldir-vclname( 'BUPA_TBZ3E' ).
viewcluster_name = vclname
maintenance_action = 'U'
dba_sellist = gt_sellist.
2020 Apr 27 8:30 AM
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for the response.
This is a similar kind of thing that I am looking for. However, the fields, to be provided as restrictions/selection conditions, are most important to my question, and both of them are unavailable in the view cluster. I have checked for these fields in both, S4 1709 and 1809, but was unable to find the same. Am I missing anything?
2020 Apr 27 9:02 AM
You say "Both of them are unavailable", are you talking about my example or your case? In your case, if I understand correctly what you explained, you need to define the selection on only one field, the controlling area (KOKRS), I think it should be very easy to do it. If it's about my example, don't bother if it doesn't work in S4 1709/1809.
2020 Apr 27 12:27 PM
I have already tried using KOKRS as a selection. It takes me to V_TKA01_GD view's 2nd screen of the TMG in SM34, instead of taking me to V_TKA00's second screen (which is under a sub-structure). That what the entire problem I am facing is all about.
Am I missing anything?
2020 Apr 27 1:00 PM
Minor change in the sample provided by Sandra,
Use STRAT_OBJECT import parameter of the function module VIEWCLUSTER_MAINTENANCE_CALL
DATA(gt_sellist) = VALUE tt_vimsellist(
( viewfield = 'OBJAP'
operator = 'EQ'
value = 'BUPA' )
( viewfield = 'SICHT'
operator = 'EQ'
value = 'BKK110' ) ).
DATA(vclname) = CONV vcldir-vclname( 'BUPA_TBZ3E' ).
viewcluster_name = vclname
start_object = 'V_TBZ3S'
maintenance_action = 'U'
dba_sellist = gt_sellist.
2020 Apr 27 1:31 PM
Thank you for your response Rakshith. However, I need the fields specific to the view cluster to navigate to a substructure dependent view directly by providing the restriction/selection. Do you think it is achievable?
2020 Apr 28 4:46 PM
Yes, it is achievable.
First you need to debug the transaction OKKP or take a trace. There are events implemented, where the sub structure which you are referring are hidden/displayed.
2020 Apr 29 4:00 PM
Hi Rakshith,
OK, I will try to do the same, and come up with an answer, if I get one.
Thank you.
2020 Apr 27 1:20 PM
With the answer you posted, I now understand what you were trying to achieve, you wanted to go to step 3 directly.
2020 Apr 27 1:30 PM
Yes Sandra, that is the need.
Do you think there is a possible way to do this?
2020 Apr 28 5:15 PM
DATA(gt_sellist) = VALUE tt_vimsellist(
( viewfield = 'KOKRS' "<======
operator = 'EQ'
value = '0001' ) ). "<======
DATA(vclname) = CONV vcldir-vclname( 'CAREAMAINT' ). "<======
viewcluster_name = vclname
start_object = 'V_TKA00' "<======
maintenance_action = 'U'
dba_sellist = gt_sellist.
NB: in my previous comment, I said "that ==>you<== have posted", sorry I meant "that Rakshith Gore has posted".
2020 Apr 29 3:58 PM
hi Sandra,
I have tested the code. It still takes me to the 2nd screen of V_TKA01_GD (Basic Data), whereas the substructure of the Basic Data, which contains the dependent view, V_TKA00, is still invisible, even through the code, which I believe opens SM34 only.
This substructure is visible through the transaction OKKP, and this substructure is where I want to navigate. Since both the views belong to the same View Cluster, CAREMAINT, I believe there should be some condition to navigate to that view, and KOKRS, although one of those conditions isn't a complete key to navigate to V_TKA00.
It is strange to me how a view cannot be accessed directly, even for viewing.
2024 Mar 22 11:17 AM
We need to do something similar but accessing the V_TKA02 view.
The need is to insert a new trading partner to a given company code.
With the above we access the view, but at the time of clicking "new entries" the co reported company is lost.
Any idea how to do it?