2023 Mar 24 12:08 PM
I have a SmartForm in which when I put the Invoice Number and date and execute it the SF is not printing the name that should come in front of 'M/S'. In the Main Window under the PAGE, the field from where the name should be taken is given as 'v_name1' but still, it is not getting printed. Can anyone please guide me if I should debug the SF or the driver program and if yes to any of these then how?
2023 Mar 25 8:07 AM
You'd better show screenshots because you probably misinterpret what you see in the Smart Form.
2023 Mar 27 9:16 AM
2023 Mar 27 2:15 PM
Thank you. It's important to show also the code of the Smart Form corresponding to your variable, size of window for the field, conditions, parameters of Smart Form, value of variable at runtime (debug), etc.