2010 Oct 11 6:16 AM
We have developed a custom sapscript and done the proper config in FBZP .
Problem is when the standard print program 'RFFOD__S' is used to print multiple invoices using the custom sapscript , then the sapscript is not able to show it on the MAIN .
Is there any way to bring all the invoices on to the sapscript.
Any text element like '525' for RFFOD__S which may bring the multiple invoices.
or any other config way??
2010 Oct 11 12:27 PM
Doesn't your config point to the program name, the form name and the entry subroutine? if the forms are all named differently and config is correct, you should get the correct output form based upon the config controls.
2010 Oct 11 12:33 PM
Well could you explain it more.
I am saying that output is coming but only thing I am not getting is the list of invoices on MAIN.
2010 Oct 11 4:27 PM
I guess I don't understand what you are trying to do... Are you trying to list invoices in the MAIN window of an invoice form?
Or, are you saying that you want to print multiple invoices? If so, you'd need a custom program that obtains a list of invoices, then processes each one through the form open, output , close, etc.
2010 Oct 12 4:17 AM
I have solved it without the custom driver program.All invoices are now on MAIN.
2011 Sep 09 1:34 PM
Hi ,
I have a similar requirement , can u please help me out in this , main window data is not printing for us .
Thanks Prashanti