2018 Aug 30 9:14 AM
Please let me know how to select multiple rows in SALV report output. I have tried with below code but it is not working
CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
list_display = if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false
r_container = lo_cont
container_name = 'DOCK_CONT'
r_salv_table = lo_alv
t_table = me->t_data.
CATCH cx_salv_msg .
* Pf status
DATA: lo_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list,
o_selections TYPE REF TO cl_salv_selections.
o_selections = lo_alv->get_selections( ).
o_selections->set_selection_mode( cl_salv_selections=>multiple ).
Thanks and Regards,
2018 Aug 30 10:50 AM
What are you actually mean with "not able to get multiple rows selection"
Did you intend to click on multiple lines/cells holding down ctrl (or shift) key or would you provide a box to check (with if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column and not cl_salv_selections=>multiple) or were you unable to get the list of selected cells/rows/columns?
2018 Aug 30 9:52 AM
1. In future when posting code, use the CODE button in the editor. If pasting code, use right-click paste as plain text. I've done it for you this time.
2. "Not working" is not useful as a description of something going wrong. What is not working? What do you see on screen? What do you expect to see? Are you getting a dump? What dump?
2018 Aug 30 10:08 AM
I am not able to get multiple rows selection in SALV output.
Thanks for your valuable suggestion.
2018 Aug 30 10:50 AM
What are you actually mean with "not able to get multiple rows selection"
Did you intend to click on multiple lines/cells holding down ctrl (or shift) key or would you provide a box to check (with if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column and not cl_salv_selections=>multiple) or were you unable to get the list of selected cells/rows/columns?
2018 Aug 30 12:54 PM
2018 Aug 30 1:31 PM
And please, replace your profile picture with that of a Rafale...