2017 Jul 14 7:05 PM
hi Team,
We have 640 GB size of MSEG table running on oracle 11g database.
But this is taking longer time in fetch and having slow performance.Below is the SQL query being used in program
SELECT mjahr mblnr zeile budat_mkpf vgart_mkpf
werks lgort kokrs kostl
matnr bwart grund menge
meins dmbtr waers "SAP-5367
FROM mseg
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_matnrpack
WHERE matnr = it_matnrpack-matnr
AND budat_mkpf EQ wa_budmat-budat
AND werks EQ p_werks
AND bwart IN s_bwart
AND lgort IN s_lgort
AND kostl IN s_kostl.
Index is being used in this query but having fileds MANDT,MATNR,WERKS,GRUND and LIFNR.
Please suggest if any improvements is there which can be improve performance.
2020 Oct 15 9:24 AM
I hope you have checked that the internal table used in the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause is not empty.
Do you have the possibility to either
Does your organization consider upgrading Oracle version, what's your SAP version ?