2007 Jul 20 2:44 PM
what is model dialob box.
what is difference b/w fumction module and remote function module
2007 Jul 20 2:46 PM
hi vishnu,
This is one of the screen types for a screen,check in the attributes of the screen
If you activate this attribute, the screen is used as a modal dialog
box. In the program, you call the screen with
ENDING AT <bottom right>.
Unlike normal pop-ups, a modal dialog box has its own pushbuttons and
title. There is no menu bar and command field entries are not possible.
2007 Jul 20 2:48 PM
Calling a single screen is a special case of embedding a screen sequence. If you want to prevent the called screen from covering the current screen completely, you can use the CALL SCREEN statement with the STARTING AT and ENDING AT options:
ENDING AT <X2> <Y2>.
This calls the screen number <scrn> as a modal dialog box. When the screen is displayed, the screen that had called it is visible but inactive. The STARTING AT and ENDING AT additions specify the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners of the dialog box respectively. In the screen attributes of screen <scrn>, you must set the Modal dialog box attribute. This defines how the interface elements are positioned on the screen.
Function moduel will be called with in the SAP and the Remote function modules will be called/can call with in SAP and outside the SAP
2007 Jul 20 2:48 PM
for second question
RFC is the protocol used to call functions in an R/3 system by a caller external to R/3 or to call programs external to R/3 from an R/3 system.
Functions can only be called via RFC, if they are tagged as RFC functions in the SAP development workbench. They are then called RFC function modules.
A remote function call (RFC) is the call of a function module that runs in a different system to the calling program
2007 Jul 20 2:50 PM
Hi Vishnu,
<b>what is difference b/w fumction module and remote function module</b>
Remote function module is also a function module which have processing type as Remote Enabled.
<b>what is model dialob box</b>
If you want to prevent the called screen from covering the current screen completely then we will use modal dialog box.
ENDING AT <X2> <Y2>.
This calls the screen number <scrn> as a modal dialog box. When the screen is displayed, the screen that had called it is visible but inactive.
2007 Jul 20 2:58 PM
model dialog box means means it is use ful for displaying the screen as a pop-up
u have to call that screen like this.
CALL SCREEN <scrn no> STARTING AT <X1> <Y1> ENDING AT <X2> <Y2>.
RFC means it is also a module useful for retrieve and pass the data from/to other clients.to make a function to be rfc in the attributes u have to select function module type as RFC ENABLED type and make all the parameters in that function module as PASS BY VALUE type.
see this link for more help on RFC
<b>reward if helpful</b>