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MM41 - how to create extra MAKT texts on SAVE? (BADI_ARTICLE_REF_RT)

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When a material is created or changed we need to make sure that materialdescriptions were maintained for certain languages. if some of the

required are missing they should be automatically created by copy from an

existing one.

We believe BADI_ARTICLE_REF_RT to be adequate to implement this change.

Method REFEREZ actually has an input/output parameter called BADI_MAKT.

But when we break-point in this method we realize that this parameter isempty even though the material being edited contains descriptions in

several languages.

Why is this? Is this not how this BADI is to be used? Having analysed the

MM41 saving process we didn't find any other BADI able to accomplish this.

Actually we're already successfully using method REFERENZ_BEFORE of this same BADI to change material status according to some custom rules.

Unfortunately this method doesn't have access to MAKT.

If we don't find any other solution we'll be forced to try to call a

function in update task which occurs after MAKT was saved to database and

manipulate de data directly in MAKT but we'd like to avoid this.

Or is there another BADI or user-exit that should be used instead of this?

Thanks in advance,

Nuno Godinho


Former Member
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Hi... I'm also trying to use this BADI, but when I try to activate, the system returns me a message telling "There are already implementations active!"... but I'm not able to find those...

How did you solve that??