2023 Aug 31 9:51 AM
Hi All,
I'm using Tables CDHDR and CDPOS.
Fetching data from CHDHR first using -
SELECT * FROM cdhdr INTO TABLE lt_changed_hdr WHERE objectclas = 'DEBI' AND
udate GE v_last_run_date AND
change_ind = 'U'.
Thereafter using the FOR ALL ENTRIES Query on CDPOS.
SELECT * FROM cdpos INTO TABLE lt_changed_itm FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_changed_hdr
WHERE objectclas = lt_changed_hdr-objectclas AND
objectid = lt_changed_hdr-objectid AND
changenr = lt_changed_hdr-changenr AND
tabname IN ('KNA1', 'KNB1', 'CDPOS').
When running the query for the single missing customer its appearing in the output.
But when running the query for set of customer's the entries goes missing, unable to figure out the issue involved here.
Also the missing entries are picked up CDHDR but not by CDPOS.
Need suggestions why is this happening.
Thanks & Regards,
2023 Aug 31 10:03 AM
Hi Ritiz,
please use the "CODE" option to embed your ABAP-Code into your question as this makes it a lot easier to read for others. You can simply update your question to do that.
2023 Aug 31 10:42 AM
2023 Aug 31 10:51 AM
3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee if it's an older system where these are still cluster tables, it's not allowed.
2023 Aug 31 11:02 AM
matthew.billingham so you're saying if these tables are Cluster/Pool Tables then inner join condition won't work?
2023 Aug 31 11:07 AM
Hi Ritiz,
One possible reason could be directly the use of the clause FOR ALL ENTRIES. This clause only selects records from the cdpos table that have matching records in the lt_changed_hdr table based on the specified conditions. If there are no matching records in the table lt_changed_hdr for some customers, these records will not be selected from the table cdpos.
Another possible reason could be related to the data in the table cdpos itself. It is possible that some entries are missing or incomplete, which can lead to them not being selected by the query.
To troubleshoot, you could try running the query for a single customer and compare the results with those you get when you run the query for a group of customers. You could also try checking the data in the cdpos table to see if any entries are missing or incomplete.
2023 Aug 31 12:00 PM
It's better to do a join.
I try to avoid FOR ALL ENTRIES...
SELECT * FROM cdhdr JOIN cdpos ON cdpos~objectid = cdhdr~objectid AND
cdpos~changenr = cdhdr~changenr
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_changed)
WHERE cdhdr~objectclas = 'DEBI'
AND cdhdr~udate >= @v_last_run_date
AND cdhdr~change_ind = 'U'
AND cdpos~tabname IN ( 'KNA1', 'KNB1', 'CDPOS' ).
2023 Aug 31 1:41 PM
Yes, that's correct. But the problem is client is using an old version of SAP (<7.31), where CDHDR and CDPOS are still Cluster table.
2023 Aug 31 1:53 PM
How does your table lt_change_pos looks like?
At least it should contain all key fields of CDPOS…
2023 Aug 31 12:09 PM
2023 Aug 31 1:13 PM
3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee Some of our customers still use 7.31 (and older!), where CDPOS is a cluster table. I just checked 7.40 and it is a transparent table there.
mritiz I'm say if your CDPOS is a cluster table, you can't use SELECT with INNER JOIN.
2023 Aug 31 2:19 PM
Just created a small report in our old ECC system.
To me it seems to work like that...
I guess it's important that lt_changed_hdr and lt_changed_pos contain all key fields of CDHDR/CDPOS.
REPORT ztest.
lt_tables_r TYPE RANGE OF tabname,
lt_changed_hdr TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cdhdr,
lt_changed_pos TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cdpos.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_tables_r> LIKE LINE OF lt_tables_r.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_tables_r ASSIGNING <fs_tables_r>.
<fs_tables_r>-sign = 'I'.
<fs_tables_r>-option = 'EQ'.
<fs_tables_r>-low = 'KNA1'.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_tables_r ASSIGNING <fs_tables_r>.
<fs_tables_r>-sign = 'I'.
<fs_tables_r>-option = 'EQ'.
<fs_tables_r>-low = 'KNB1'.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_tables_r ASSIGNING <fs_tables_r>.
<fs_tables_r>-sign = 'I'.
<fs_tables_r>-option = 'EQ'.
<fs_tables_r>-low = 'CDPOS'.
INTO TABLE lt_changed_hdr
WHERE objectclas = 'DEBI'
AND udate >= p_date
AND change_ind = 'U'.
IF lines( lt_changed_hdr ) = 0.
INTO TABLE lt_changed_pos FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_changed_hdr
WHERE objectclas = lt_changed_hdr-objectclas
AND objectid = lt_changed_hdr-objectid
AND changenr = lt_changed_hdr-changenr
AND tabname IN lt_tables_r.
cl_demo_output=>display( lt_changed_pos ).
2023 Aug 31 2:21 PM
Could you please clarify what you mean by these statements?
I'm confused as there is no where-clause to select on OBJECTID which would contain the customer number (as stored on the database, not as displayed due to potential conversion exits).
Also: why do you include 'CDPOS' in the where-clause for TABNAME when selecting from CDPOS? There shouldn't be any entries in CDPOS where TABNAME = 'CDPOS' AND OBJECTCLAS = 'DEBI'.
Last but not least: it's better for various reasons to specify the fields you actually need for your procssing instead of using "SELECT *" which should be avoided as much as possible.