2006 Jan 25 8:25 PM
We are running into a problem with printouts coming from goods receipts done via transaction MIGO. When we receive material in via MIGO tags for the material are printed. However, the tags are not printing in the order that the material is being received. Does anyone know why this is and some way to fix the problem?
Message was edited by: Ryan Porter
2006 Mar 21 5:11 PM
Check in your output type configuration, if there is any sort specified.
2006 Mar 21 5:21 PM
My configuration person is unaware of where a sort can be set in the output type configuration. Where would she look for that?
2006 Mar 21 5:44 PM
In NACE or through the path (IMG>Materials Management>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory>Output Determination>Maintain Output Types), select the output type and do 'Display' or double click. This should bring up 7 tabs first one being 'General data'. The last one among them is 'Sort Order'.