2016 Aug 05 6:15 PM
I have one PO with 5 line items. I am calling MIGO_DIALOG from z transaction. I want to populate MIGO with 3 line items of PO using MIGO_DIALOG but the FM is pass one line item and then it stops for user to post it and then next line item comes. I want all line items to come in single GRN document.
Any suggestions?
2016 Aug 05 9:33 PM
An obvious solution would be not to use MIGO_DIALOG FM but something different. What exactly depends on what you are trying to achieve in the end.
2016 Aug 06 5:44 AM
Requirement is to flow line items from custom gate entry screen.
PO has line 10 line items.
Gate Entry has been done for 4 line items.
4 line items done in gate entry has to passed to MIGO while doing GRN.
MIGO has to be in foreground and not in background.
Please suggest how to achieve this?
2016 Aug 08 12:14 PM
you should try what you want in MIGO.
I think it is pretty obvious what to do.
In top middle you have the PO number and the PO item number
the item number is often not entered by the user, he then gets all items from the PO, and he can later just select which item he want post .
But it is well possible to the PO along with its item number and you just get 1 item into MIGO. You can also repeat this exercise and enter another PO number with an item number (or even the same PO number with a different item number) and this item will be added to the goods receipt and shown next to first in the same screen.
An I am pretty much convinced that MIGO_DIALOG can be used to exactly copy this approach.
so you have the chance to read your gate entries and propose the items accordingly.
2016 Aug 08 12:29 PM
MIGO_DIALOG is creating separate documents for different line items but requirement is to process all 3 line items under single GRN document.
2016 Aug 08 2:01 PM