2009 Mar 19 8:00 AM
Experts Is there any menu exit for vf01 or vf02 or vf03.
Plz help.
2009 Mar 20 8:57 AM
these are userexits for vf01
SDVFX001 User exit header line in delivery to accounting
SDVFX002 User exit for A/R line in transfer to accounting
SDVFX003 User exit cash clearing in transfer to accounting
SDVFX004 User exit G/L line in transfer to accounting
SDVFX005 User exit reserves in transfer to accounting
SDVFX006 User exit tax line in transfer to accounting
SDVFX007 User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting
SDVFX008 User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI
SDVFX009 Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference number)
SDVFX010 User exit item table for the customer lines
SDVFX011 Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures
J_3RSINV Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures
V05I0001 User exits for billing index
V05N0001 User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedure
V60A0001 Customer functions in the billing document
V60P0001 Data provision for additional fields for display in lists
V61A0001 Customer enhancement: Pricing
2009 Mar 20 10:42 AM
For wat requirement u need the user exit.VF01 creation or change.
Tell the rquiremtn clearly.
So that somebody can give u the correct answer.
2009 Mar 21 6:45 AM
Actly i ahve to print a layout related to invoice (vf02) a zlayout and zprint prog . The req is to attach that zprintprog in the menu of vf02/vf03.