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Memory Problem

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am trying to test a program but it failed due to low memory as input file size is 450MB + all the time . It's saying that the memory is low and leave the transaction before taking a break! This occures when the trasfer happened


Just tell me how to solve this issue .


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this is excerpt from the OSS notes:


This message is NO error message.

In certain cases, it may point to a performance problem.

The information "Memory low" only refers to ONE memory area of the R/3 System, the extended memory. However, the users can request aditional memory in a different memory area, the heap memory, and can continue to work normally. However, a work process is reserved exclusively for the users who use heap memory for that time (that is known as PRIV mode).

In certain configurations and systems, the use of heap memory is even intended!

The described message is new in Release 4.0 (only the message, the described situation has also already occurred in Release 3). This may be the reason that many users and administrators complain about the "memory errors" and "memory problems" after upgrading to Release 4.0 although objectively no errors can be found.


What should users and system adminstrators do when they receive this message.

User: -

Users should proceed as proposed in the long text to the message:

"Continue to work as normal and exit the transaction before you take a long break."

System administrators: -

Under certain circumstances the message may point to a performance bottleneck. Therefore system adminstrators should check the following if users report that this message occurred:

1. Call the work process overview (Transaction SM50) and observe this some minutes (pushbutton -> Refresh) - see, whether work processes remain in the state

Status = stopped and Reason = PRIV,

Status = running and Action = roll in

Status = running and Action = roll out

If you find more than 50% of the work processes in this status, then there may be a problem in the configuration.

If you find less than 50% of the work processes in this status, no problem exists.

2. Call Transaction ST02.

Check the field "Extended memory" in section "SAP memory", "Current use %". This indicates the current consumption of extended memory.

If this value is > 90%, a problem may exist in memory configuration.

If this value is < 90% is, no problem exists.

What needs to be done?

If you find that extended memory is configured too small, then you should increase it.

It may also be necessary to increase the number of work processes.

refer to this too:

**reward if helpful



Former Member
0 Kudos

hi ,

This kind of message occurs if the input file size is more than the size of the internal table.

So split the data into parts if the data is present in presentation server

and if the data is present in application server ,process only fixed number of entries at a time so put those number of records inside the loop

after that clear and refresh the table.



Former Member
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Hi Pattanayak,

This problem will araise while data is trasferring from internal table to path of the file. i think u r trying to trasfer the data from itab to path. So while define the path mention better to mention the length of path also. Hope this helps you and reply for queries.



Former Member
0 Kudos


may be this prob related to BASIS people.

U just check how much memory allocated for the ROLLAREA in T-CODE:<b>ST02.</b>


Former Member
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1) If you are creating a file than perhaps if you close the file after a certain number of writes it will clear the buffer designated for your communication with it.