2016 May 03 8:35 AM
Hi Experts,
I have a requirement to add a custom field in tcode ME5A. I have searched and found some answer. ME5A Report - Request for Help | SCN
I have appended my new field in CI_EBANDB, but then how can I populate my new field? I need to use q query to populate the field.
But where here can I find any enhancement on how to populate the my new field in RM06BA00? Thanks
2016 May 03 8:43 AM
There is one Enhancement point is There in the program
And final Internal Table is IT_EBAN[].
Loop this table ..
"here update fields As per your requirement.
2016 May 03 8:39 AM
First Are you able to see the new fields, what you added in structure, in the Report me5a
2016 May 03 8:42 AM
Yes sir, Im able to see the new field that is added in CI_EBANDB in ME5a.
2016 May 03 8:44 AM
2016 May 03 8:43 AM
There is one Enhancement point is There in the program
And final Internal Table is IT_EBAN[].
Loop this table ..
"here update fields As per your requirement.
2016 May 03 8:53 AM
Hi Thank you for the information.
Im new in using ehancement. How can I find the enhancement point SAPDBBAM.
I tried to use ctrl+f(find) SAPDBBAM in program RM06BA00 and cant find anything.
2016 May 03 9:04 AM
If you don't mind Can you do a small thing for me.
Can you please google it, by using sap abap enhancement
And open the First Document . With Screen short also They explained,
I can not explain from the Starting On words.
After see you may get an idea.
You have to create the Enhancement point With Zname.
And put break-point. Now Activate it. then open the new Session and Run the me5a report.
If the Enhancement spot is correct. Definitely it will stop.
Then find the Table it_eban[].. Ok.
2016 May 03 9:26 AM
After seeing the Thread, While implementing you may ask questions.
I will try to solve it.
2016 May 03 9:46 AM
I have tried to follow this link for creating implementation
Step by step to enhance ABAP code via implicit enhancement - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki
I have created an Enhancement Point
When I run ME5A it executes the breakpoint after I execute the program
How would I know the correct enhancement point in RM06BA00. I cant find SAPDBBAM or Am I looking in a wrong screen.
2016 May 03 9:56 AM
Go to Se19
In the First Radio button New badi. Enter your Badi name What you created. Then delete it.
In the attached file. One Spot i was given ,Again try to create the Enhanced spot. Please Check the program name also. in the Attached Screen .
2016 May 03 10:28 AM
I have created an enhancement in program SAPDBBAM. But when I run ME5A it does not execute breakpoint.
2016 May 03 10:40 AM
hi, You have created at 12 or 20th line.
Actually Dimp_general Repeated 3 times.
At the place of Last you have to find out Not 1st or 2nd.
284th line it may exists , in your may be 260th line after 200th line check the word.
DIMP_GENERAL. See the line no in the previous attached image.
2016 May 04 1:37 AM
Thank You for the response.
I'm able to add the new field now by adding the enhancement after Dimp_general.
2016 May 03 9:54 AM
CI_EBANDB is an include in table EBAN of PR, so the report will fill those from PR data, you can manage/display those fields in ME5xN transactions with SMOD enhancement MEREQ001. This include is not provided for some dynamic calulated field.
If you only want to add some dynamic fields to the report, it would be better to check Enhancement Spot ES_SAPFM06B.
3 weeks ago
For recent viewers, consider BAdi ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS and no longuer Enhancement Spot ES_SAPFM06B 😉 for dynamic calculated fields
2024 Sep 20 6:48 AM
In ME5A Add Custom Filed in ALV O/P.
To implement the desired functionality, you'll need to follow these steps:
Add the Desire Field:
In the structure MEREP_OUTTAB_EBANOV, add the new field to the include CI_EBANDB.
This might involve enhancing the structure to accommodate the new field.
Create Implicit Enhancement:
Go to the report RM06BA00.
Navigate to the subroutine Daten_lesen.
Find the end of the subroutine and create an implicit enhancement point named ZENH_ME5A_CUST_FIELD.
Modify the Desired Field:
Within the implicit enhancement, loop through the internal table it_eban.
Populate your new field based on your logic.
Here’s a conceptual example of how the enhancement might look:
FORM daten_lesen.
" Existing code...
" Implicit enhancement point
LOOP AT it_eban INTO DATA(wa_eban).
" Populate your desired field here
wa_eban-desired_field = "Your logic to populate the field".
MODIFY it_eban FROM wa_eban.
" Existing code...
Make sure to replace "Your logic to populate the field" with the actual logic you want to use to fill your new field.
This approach will allow you to add your desired field and populate it as required in the report.
@Former Member wrote:Hi Experts,
I have a requirement to add a custom field in tcode ME5A. I have searched and found some answer. ME5A Report - Request for Help | SCN
I have appended my new field in CI_EBANDB, but then how can I populate my new field? I need to use q query to populate the field.
But where here can I find any enhancement on how to populate the my new field in RM06BA00? Thanks