2011 May 19 7:10 PM
Hi gurus,
I have the following requirement I don`t know how to solve so well...
We´ve created a new purchase order type and we need a little special behaviour for it.
At creation (ME21N) all fields must be ready for input, in the same way that the other PO types.
However, in modification (ME22N) we need some fields unavaible for input, just display.
This fields are: Payment Terms (At header level) and Delivery Date (At Position level).
I've trying some user-exits, but I havent found the way to implement this behaviour.
Because of that, I`ve trying to let the fields available for input in ME22N and check values at save, showing a message in case of changes. Could anybody recommend me which user-exit use for this verifications?
Once again, a lot of thanks!
2011 May 20 4:35 AM
2011 May 20 6:57 AM
Hello madhurao123 ,
With this customizing, I can decide wich fields will be availabe or not for input for a PO type, but what I need is to make available for input in creation but only display in modification.
Is this possible?
2011 May 20 10:18 AM
Try creating screen / transaction variant for ME22N transaction only and activate the same in SHD0 transaction.
2011 May 23 2:50 PM
I've just implemented the BADI 'ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST' and added all my validation requeriments. It works great!