2007 Jul 20 12:02 PM
am running me21n transaction, i want to get the variables holding the header details of the PO like order type vendor etc before saving....(while running tcode)..
can any one pls help me..
2007 Jul 20 12:06 PM
Please refer old purchase orders in tables
EKKO - Header data
EKPO - Item data
Use tcode SE11
2007 Jul 20 12:06 PM
What do you mean by variables? they are nothing but the Table fields like
see the EKKO table fields
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2007 Jul 20 1:06 PM
Hi ..
PO variables will be stored in standrad tables only after saving the PO.
I need the variables in which the header details of the PO is stored while v r processing the PO(before saving)....
2007 Jul 20 1:35 PM
Hi Sheeba,
EKKO--->Purchasing Document Header
EKPO--->Purchasing Document Item
EKET--->Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
use these table.
2007 Jul 20 1:36 PM
Hi Sheeba,
Use Transaction Variants to make fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display. Also applicable to screens and tabstrips.
You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available as of 4.6x.
Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.
Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).
Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.
In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)
u can use this link....
If useful reward me with points.
2008 Feb 11 4:34 AM
No approriate solutions received.
Closing the thread..
Thanks & regards,