2021 Jan 07 6:33 AM
hi all,
we have a background job which is running longer duration(more than 2 hours).
during runtime analysis, i found there is a limitation on Maximum Execution Time
system is prompting
"The maximum execution time must not exceed 4293 seconds"
how to trace long running background jobs which are executing more than 4293 seconds?
what is the solution for this limitation?
2021 Jan 07 7:06 AM
Hi balu,
Use ST12 trace which has more features than SAT trace.
In ST12, you have option to set follow-up traces for jobs running longer than default trace limit.
If your job runs for example 12k seconds,use 3 follow-up traces which covers the entire job duration.
2021 Jan 07 7:06 AM
Hi balu,
Use ST12 trace which has more features than SAT trace.
In ST12, you have option to set follow-up traces for jobs running longer than default trace limit.
If your job runs for example 12k seconds,use 3 follow-up traces which covers the entire job duration.
2021 Jan 07 2:59 PM
We could also say that SAT has more features than ST12! They have different features.
2021 Jan 07 3:01 PM
ABAP trace is max 4293 seconds. Please clarify why you want to trace this job so that we can propose the right tool. What is your ABAP version so that we don't propose you tools you don't have.